Rank split changes are required to ‘grind more’ and LoL players hate it

Riot Games introduced a new feature called ranked splits to League of Legends back in 2023, and with the onset of season 14, they expanded the number of splits to three per year. However, this move has stirred up some discontent among players, who perceive the increase in splits as a ploy to coerce them into spending more time playing the game.

LoL players are frustrated with the new rank split

A Reddit post on May 15 ignited a discussion on this topic, with one player expressing frustration over the logic behind having 3 ranked splits in a single year.

They emphasized their disappointment, recounting how they had worked their way up to the Diamond rank, only to have their progress reset and find themselves demoted to Emerald after unfortunate placement matches.

Image via Riot Games

Others chimed in on the thread, echoing similar sentiments, attributing the multiple splits to a strategy aimed at boosting player engagement, albeit at the expense of players’ sense of achievement and progress stability.

Indeed, it’s challenging to dispute this perspective. For players who don’t devote extensive time to playing League of Legends, the prospect of climbing the ranked ladder becomes less appealing when faced with the frequent resets that accompany each split.

Image via Riot Games

Unfortunately, obtaining accurate data on the impact of these additional splits on player participation in solo queue remains elusive, as such information is accessible only to Riot Games.

Opinions vary among players, with some choosing to opt out of participating in certain splits altogether as a form of protest. While it’s true that more splits offer the potential for increased rewards tied to achievements, those who don’t identify as hardcore League players may find themselves unable to attain the higher ranks necessary to unlock meaningful rewards.

Image via Riot Games

On a more optimistic note, Riot appears to be receptive to player feedback regarding these changes. Given the regular updates to the system thus far, there’s a possibility that adjustments will be made by the end of season 14 in response to community input.