summoner spells – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News The world's largest esports and influencer news site. Fri, 12 Jul 2024 14:44:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 summoner spells – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News 32 32 172255210 LoL lead designer “dislikes” this Summoner’s Spell but can’t remove it Fri, 12 Jul 2024 14:43:30 +0000 Some Summoner’s Spells in League of Legends are better than others, and even the developers are aware of this.

In a recent stream, Riot Games’ August expressed his dislike for the Summoner’s Spell Teleport but acknowledged that it is an essential part of the game. August openly admitted that he is not a fan of the Teleport spell, yet he believes it is too important to remove, especially for top lane players.

He emphasized that Teleport provides a significant advantage to players who use it over those who choose Ignite because it allows them to return to the lane quickly and make up for lost minions and experience points.

“I do not like that TP. As a defensive Summoner’s Spell, you take it, you win your lane,”

August finds it frustrating that Teleport, a spell intended to be defensive, gives players an edge over those who opt for more aggressive spells like Ignite. However, he also recognized how crucial Teleport is for top lane players, who depend on it. Top lane mains rely on Teleport for split-pushing, ganking other lanes, and surviving tough situations.

LoL lead designer "dislikes" this Summoner's Spell but can't remove it 1
Image via Riot Games

“TP creates a lot of important things for the game, especially in regards to top lane,”

One solution August suggested to address this issue is to start the game with Teleport on cooldown. This way, if a player dies in the early levels, they will justifiably lose the lane. However, he did not seem entirely convinced by his own suggestion.

Image via Riot Games

In the current meta, particularly in higher ranks and competitive play, Teleport is arguably the most crucial spell in League of Legends. Many top laners and mid laners pick it, and sometimes even bot lane duos opt for the spell.

In the final of the 2024 Esports World Cup between Top Esports and T1, every top laner and mid laner selected Teleport along with Flash in each of the four games, according to Leaguepedia.


Casual players also favor Teleport. The combination of Teleport and Flash is the most popular, chosen by 25.6% of players. This shows that the spell is not only vital in pro  play but also widely used and appreciated by the general player base.

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Riot has Reworked Ghost for upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.14 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 03:51:09 +0000 Riot is making significant changes to the summoner spell Ghost in Patch 13.14

Riot has unveiled some of the changes for the upcoming Patch 13.14 in League of Legends. Among the suggested adjustments is a rework of the summoner spell Ghost. Since Patch 10.12, the summoner spell Ghost has been extremely powerful. Riot, on the other hand, took years to realise that it had been broken. Now, Riot is finally taking actions when Marksmen champions began exploiting Ghost.

Riot has Reworked Ghost for upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.14 2
Image via Riot Games

Riot plans to alter the summoner spell Ghost in Patch 13.14. They want to make the summoner spell less effective for Marksmen while keeping it basically same for its intended users.

Summoner Spell Ghost changes in Patch 13.14

Spideraxe has revealed the changes on his Twitter. Riot appears to be dealing with it by increasing its base duration while eliminating its takedown effect.

Riot has Reworked Ghost for upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.14 3
  • Duration increased from 10 seconds to 15
  • Takedowns no longer extend the duration.

Ghost’s length has been raised by five seconds, and takedowns no longer enhance Ghost’s duration while being activated.

Riot appears to be attempting to move Ghost’s effect away from team combat and towards solo combat. Takedowns no longer extending ghost duration will make the summoner spell less helpful on Marksmen, while champions like Hecarim will benefit from the duration increase.

Riot has Reworked Ghost for upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.14 4
Riot has Reworked Ghost for upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.14 5
Images via Riot Games

Nonetheless, this also impacts kill-reset champions like Master Yi, whereas some players prefer to take Ghost since it works perfectly with his Ultimate.

The summoner’s spell will be updated in Patch 13.14, which is set to be released on July 19, 2023.

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League PBE: New Teleport and Fountain changes could drastically change the meta-game Thu, 04 May 2023 00:54:54 +0000 One specific summoner spell in League of Legends that is highly favoured among top laners may soon become a must-pick for all players of that role.

Riot Games has introduced a large upgrade to the Teleport summoner spell, making it Unleashed Teleport at 10 minutes rather than 14 minutes, among the other modifications to items and systems presently being tested on League’s PBE.

This will allow top laners—and those in other lanes who bring the spell—to be more influential throughout the map early, perhaps leading to quicker overall game timings.

League of Legends PBE Teleport and Fountain changes

  • Mana regen increased from 2.1% max mana to 3.1%
  • Unleashed Teleport timer reduced from 14:00 to 10:00
  • Homeguard timer reduced from 20:00 to 14:00
So, just why is The Fountain called The Fountain? : leagueoflegends
Image via Riot Games

Riot originally introduced Unleashed Teleport to League as part of preseason 2022 as a way to reduce the spell’s usefulness in the early game. Players could only TP to ally turrets within the first 14 minutes of the game after this update.

After then, the spell would be transformed into Unleashed Teleport, granting players access to all of the places that TP previously targeted, including minions and wards.

Master Of The Teleport Top: Acorn of LGD! - Daily eSports News
Image via Riot Games

Although it is still used frequently in professional play because of how significant it can be in starting a team fight—and even the odd back-door triumph, Teleport as a whole has fallen out of favor in solo queue that got replaced by more aggressive spells like Ignite.

This modification is currently being tested on League’s PBE and is likely to be released to live servers sometime after MSI and before the start of the second-ranked split on July 17 as of Patch 13.10.

How the new Teleport will change Top lane entirely 3

Because this is a significant change that could easily change the current meta of the game, it is possible that it will be altered or completely reversed before players can get their hands on it.

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What is the best Summoner Spell for Top lane? Mon, 16 Aug 2021 07:52:09 +0000

Ever since the birth of League of Legends, Flash has always been the most popular summoner spell across the game and it can be considered to be griefing if not use Flash. Since Flash is the compulsory summoner spell choice, choosing the appropriate secondary may be too difficult with so many to select from, especially for Top laners.

Ignite and Teleport are currently the most used spell for Top laner, both have its own advantages and disadvantages throughout the game. Ignite is extremely useful on some champions that can snowball/split push for the entirety of the game, and Teleport is helpful for gaining advantages in team fights. So, in today’s meta, which is the better option?

Ignite or Teleport? Which is the better Summoner Spell for Top lane?

Understanding the use of Ignite and Teleport while selecting which summoner spell to pair with Flash (or Ghost) might be challenging. It all depends on the playstyle of the individual player, the team comp, and the champion selected.

What is the best Summoner Spell for Top lane? 6

Talking Ignite is usually more effective when it comes to laning phase. You can snowball and bully the opponent easily, and have a higher chance of winning a solo-kill.

Facing up against heavy opponents, such as Dr. Mundo or Irelia, whose healing ability is rather annoying, can be punished just by taking Ignite. Though, having Ignite can sacrifice a lot of the mobility of a Top laner as you cannot roam around and assist in team fights with Teleport.

On the other hand, a team’s ability to teleport can be the difference between winning a fight and gaining advantages. While Ignite is beneficial in some situations and may snowball top laners, Teleport provides a lot more for the team. Playing around objectives and winning team fights is usually more important than gaining self laning phase advantages.

What is the best Summoner Spell for Top lane? 7
5 Teleport were used in a game between HLE and T1

That’s why in some high elo games, or even in competitive tournaments, pro players, both top laners and mid laners, and even ADC usually takes Teleport as their secondary summoner spell in order to assist their team mates in some cases. While low elo players prefer to bring Ignite because they can’t play around objectives, they have bad map awareness and can only focus on pushing their lane.

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League of Legends: TOP 8 Removed Summoner Spells Sun, 12 Jan 2020 18:29:38 +0000 Summoner spells are one core mechanic that separates League of Legends from most other MOBAs. There are many summoner spells that were removed throughout the years.

Summoner spells are chosen in Champion Select before the start of the game. Each player is allowed two summoner spells chosen from a list. Summoner Spells can be used in-game to aid a player’s champion in various ways as each spell has a unique effect.

Here is the Top 9 League of Legends’ Removed Summoner Spells since 2010.

8. Garrison (2011 – 2014)


Garrison was only available in Dominion game mode. It strengthens allied capture points or weakens enemy capture points.

Cooldown: 210 seconds.

  • ALLIED TURRET: Grants massive regeneration and attack speed for 8 seconds.
  • ENEMY TURRET: Reduces damage dealt by 80% for 8 seconds.
Image result for garrison lol

7. Clairvoyance (2009 – 2014)

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The first of the list – Clairvoyance is a summoner spell that reveals a small area of the map for your team for 5 seconds.

Cooldown: 60 seconds.

Even though this spell got removed in Season 2015, Riot Games turns this into the Scrying Orbs, then Farsight Alteration/ Farsight Ward later.

Image result for clairvoyance league of legends

6. Fortify (2009 – 2010)

Image result for fortify league of legends

Fortify grants invulnerability to all allied turrets and causes them to attack 100% faster for 7 seconds. While Fortify is ready to cast, you deal 9 bonus damage to minions.

Cooldown: 300 seconds

Image result for fortify lol

5. Stifle (2010)


Stifle was released in 2010 and got removed in the same year. This unique summoner spell silences a target enemy champion for 3 seconds and removes any beneficial buffs they have.

Cooldown: 150 seconds.

This summoner spell was extremely good against assassins as a Support or AD Carry back in 2010.

4. Rally (2009 – 2010)

Image result for rally league of legends

Rally summons a beacon with 225 − 650 (based on level) health for 15 seconds which increases allied attack damage by 10 – 35.

Cooldown: 270 seconds.

Image result for rally league of legends

3. Surge (2011)


Surge empowers your champion, increasing ability power by 10 − 78 (based on level) and attack speed by 35% for 12 seconds.

Cooldown: 180 Seconds.

Urdy would be the best champion to use this summoner spell. Unfortunately, similar to Stifle (2010), Surge was released in 2011 but got removed in the same year.

Image result for stifle lol

2. Promote (2009 – 2011)


Remember the good old days when there were Banner of Command and Promote. Promote was one of the best spells to use doesn’t matter if you are ahead or behind the game.

Just like its name, Promote promotes the nearest allied Siege Minion (in Classic) or super minion (in Dominion) to an anti-Turret Cannon, healing it, granting bonus stats (depending on level), and causing it to grant the caster gold for its kills.

Cooldown: 180 Seconds

1. Revive (2009 – 2014)


You are a truly loyal League player if you know or have used this summoner spell.

Revive instantly revives your champion at your team’s Summoner Platform and grants 125% movement speed increase which decays over 12 seconds.

Cooldown: 540 seconds

Image result for revive league of legends

Would you bring back any of these summoner spells? If yes, then which one?

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