VFX – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News https://notagamer.net The world's largest esports and influencer news site. Tue, 25 Jun 2024 03:03:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.15 https://notagamer.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/cropped-logo2-75x75.png VFX – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News https://notagamer.net 32 32 172255210 VFX update revealed for Miss Fortune coming in League of Legends https://notagamer.net/vfx-update-miss-fortune-league-of-legends/ https://notagamer.net/vfx-update-miss-fortune-league-of-legends/#respond Tue, 25 Jun 2024 03:03:15 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=75392 A VFX update for Miss Fortune has been leaked and is expected to arrive soon in League of Legends.

VFX update revealed for Miss Fortune coming in League of Legends 1
Image via Riot Games

Riot Games has been focusing more on updating champions in League of Legends recently. Earlier this year, they released an update for Jax, finally rolled out a rework for Skarner, and are currently working on an overhaul for Shyvana.

It’s encouraging to see that Riot continues to revamp older champions. The next champion slated for a visual update appears to be Miss Fortune, as a new VFX update has been leaked.

Upcoming VFX Update for Miss Fortune

From the footage, it is evident that Riot is enhancing the visual appearance of Miss Fortune’s abilities. Her bullets are now larger and more noticeable, and the effects are more prominent and impactful, making her abilities stand out more during gameplay.

However, this version does not seem to be fully polished yet, as some elements still appear a bit rough. It is likely that Riot is continuing to work on refining these updates.

VFX update revealed for Miss Fortune coming in League of Legends 2
Image via Riot Games

As for the release date of the VFX update, there is no confirmed information available at the moment. Therefore, we will have to wait a bit longer to see the final version of Miss Fortune’s revamped visual effects.

https://notagamer.net/vfx-update-miss-fortune-league-of-legends/feed/ 0 75392
LoL players accused Riot Games of using old VFX in new Faerie Court skins https://notagamer.net/riot-games-old-vfx-new-faerie-court-skins/ https://notagamer.net/riot-games-old-vfx-new-faerie-court-skins/#respond Fri, 03 May 2024 16:13:29 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=73696 Riot Games is accused of reusing VFX in new skins
faerie court
Image via Riot Games

Riot Games has come under fire from League of Legends players once again. The gaming community is leveling accusations against the developer, claiming that existing VFX assets are being reused in the latest Faerie Court cosmetics—a pattern that has allegedly occurred before.

The newly revealed Faerie Court cosmetics introduce a fresh wave of skins for champions like Lux, Soraka, Tristana, and Lillia in League of Legends. Despite the whimsical fantasy themes shared by these cosmetics, players quickly noticed striking similarities with the previous set of cosmetics.

On League of Legends’ subreddit, users shared images comparing Seraphine’s Q ability from the existing Faerie Court skin with Lux’s E ability, stating they are literally the same. This observation extends further, with Seraphine’s auto-attack bearing an uncanny resemblance to Lux’s, right down to the magenta-pink-colored hue.

LoL players accused Riot Games of using old VFX in new Faerie Court skins 3

Furthermore, in the case of one of the first-wave Faerie Court cosmetics, Ezreal’s Q ability perfectly matches Lux’s Q in color, with only a subtle design difference. This similarity poses potential gameplay clarity issues, particularly in scenarios where players with an Ezreal/Lux bot lane could exploit the similarity of their abilities to deal increased damage to enemies.

LoL players accused Riot Games of using old VFX in new Faerie Court skins 4

The situation exacerbates with Lux, which bears striking resemblance to another Porcelain Lux cosmetic. In both cases, their ultimate abilities summon a flower that emits a damaging beam, and upon closer examination, it becomes evident that one is merely a recolor of the other.

LoL players accused Riot Games of using old VFX in new Faerie Court skins 5

Previously, players raised similar concerns when Morgana’s Coven skin featured VFX assets that appeared almost identical to those of a Nilah cosmetic in the same set. This led to abilities looking nearly identical across the two champions.

LoL players accused Riot Games of using old VFX in new Faerie Court skins 6

As of now, Riot Games has not addressed the reported similarities between the cosmetics. However, it is hoped that the developer will take this feedback into consideration to enhance the quality of its future designs.

https://notagamer.net/riot-games-old-vfx-new-faerie-court-skins/feed/ 0 73696
Riot Games got accused of LoL Coven 2023 skin “recycled” VFX assets https://notagamer.net/riot-games-accused-coven-skin-recycled-vfx-assets/ https://notagamer.net/riot-games-accused-coven-skin-recycled-vfx-assets/#respond Fri, 29 Sep 2023 15:30:03 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=65495 Riot Games, the developer behind League of Legends, is facing backlash from players who are accusing the company of utilizing “recycled” visual effects (VFX) in the recently released Coven Nilah skin.

Despite Riot’s commendable track record of introducing numerous skin lines for the ever-expanding roster of champions over the past decade, the latest drop has left fans disappointed, sparking a conversation about innovation and quality.

LoL players accused of Riot for recycling Coven VFX assets

The criticism primarily revolves around perceived similarities between Nilah’s Coven skin and the abilities of another Coven member, Morgana.

Players on the League subreddit have meticulously compared the visual effects of Nilah’s abilities, particularly focusing on the EQ combo, which appears eerily reminiscent of Morgana’s Dark Binding ability.

Riot Games got accused of LoL Coven 2023 skin “recycled” VFX assets 7
Morgana’s Q animation
Riot Games got accused of LoL Coven 2023 skin “recycled” VFX assets 8
Nilah’s EQ combo animation

“It’s not that they look similar, is that they are literally the same it’s not even subtle. This is just another proof that this Coven skin drop feels lazy like Syndra and Elise’s, and even Nami’s legendary with bad animations,” 

“Smart to use same effect on 2 spells that have such different impact, in late game Morgana Q could be your death, imagine flashing Nilah Q in a teamfight lol,”

This similarity has not only been labeled as “lazy” by the community, but concerns have also been raised about potential ramifications for game clarity. Similar VFX can compromise the readability of abilities, impacting the overall game experience.

The discontentment extends beyond the issue of recycled VFX. Some players have voiced dissatisfaction with stiff animations for Nami’s Coven skin. Additionally, there are opinions suggesting that Akali does not seamlessly fit into the Coven universe, raising questions about thematic consistency. The broader sentiment among players is that this skin line feels incomplete and akin to “filler content.”

Riot Games got accused of LoL Coven 2023 skin “recycled” VFX assets 9
Image via Riot Games

It’s pertinent to recall a similar situation with the Immortal Journey Kayle skin, which players noted was based on Ashe’s model. In response to community feedback, Riot acknowledged the concerns and made necessary adjustments to the skin.

As of now, Riot Games has not officially addressed the community’s outpouring of responses regarding the new Coven skins. However, considering past instances, it remains plausible that Riot might take the community’s feedback into account and implement changes in the near future.

Riot Games got accused of LoL Coven 2023 skin “recycled” VFX assets 10
Image via Riot Games

Players are eagerly awaiting an official statement from Riot regarding the concerns surrounding the new Nilah skin and the overall reception of the latest skin line.

https://notagamer.net/riot-games-accused-coven-skin-recycled-vfx-assets/feed/ 0 65495
Riot Games revealed Brand VFX changes coming to League of Legends https://notagamer.net/brand-vfx-league-of-legends/ https://notagamer.net/brand-vfx-league-of-legends/#respond Fri, 04 Aug 2023 04:21:24 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=63474 Brand will be the next champion to receive a League of Legends VFX upgrade.

In 2011, League of Legends introduced Brand, which make him a rather old champion. Furthermore, his model and VFX have hardly changed since his release. As a result, he is regarded as an outdated champion.

Riot Games revealed Brand VFX changes coming to League of Legends 11
Image via Riot Games

Riot has been working hard in prior seasons to ensure that all champions are up to date. Riot has released a variety of champion updates, including ASU, Visual Updates, and VGU.

ASU and VGU often take the most time since Riot completely redesign the champion’s look and design. However, VGU takes somewhat longer because they will additionally update the champion’s entire kit (most of it).

Riot Games revealed Brand VFX changes coming to League of Legends 12
Image via Riot Games

On the other hand, Riot provides smaller-scale cosmetic changes to their champions in order to keep them up to date with the needs. These improvements vary from tweaks to the splash arts to in-game VFX rework.

Riot confirmed Brand VFX

Recent champions, like Janna and Jax, have received VFX modifications. And now, Riot has already stated that Brand is the next champion to receive the updates.

Recently, RiotMeddler revealed the Brand VFX is presently under development in a Reddit thread. It is not being delayed, but it is not being worked on as much as other important projects like the new champion release Briar, or the Skarner VGU.

Riot Games revealed Brand VFX changes coming to League of Legends 13
Image via Riot Games

As a result, RiotMeddler reminds out that no release dates have been verified. He didn’t even say whether it will be released this year. However, Riot has stated that it will be released at some time.

As a result, we should expect this upgrade to be released later than intended, potentially even next season.

https://notagamer.net/brand-vfx-league-of-legends/feed/ 0 63474
League of Legends: Jax Visual Updates Latest Updated https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-jax-visual-updates-latest-updated/ https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-jax-visual-updates-latest-updated/#respond Sat, 29 Apr 2023 03:44:26 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=60516 Riot Games has revealed the next League of Legends champion to receive a visual makeover. Jax, one of the game’s most recognisable top laners, will be getting a visual update, with art and story teams working on him throughout the year.

Riot had indicated that Lee Sin and Teemo will be the next champions to acquire ASU in earlier dev logs. In the most recent dev log, they also stated that Jax will get a substantial cosmetic makeover.

Jax Mini-rework has been revealed: New abilities, New VFX, New secret Passive, and more 3
Image via Riot Games

Jax is one of League’s original champions, having debuted alongside Annie, Master Yi, Alistar, and Ashe in the game’s early updates in 2009.

Despite cosmetic updates, his general appearance has grown quite old and obsolete in comparison to the newer champions and VGUs launched in recent years.

League of Legends Jax Visual Updates

Riot said in the dev blog that Jax was supposed to undergo a full VGU, or Visual and Gameplay Update. But the scope was too large, and they couldn’t release the complete upgrade at once. As a result, Jax’s gameplay components were sent as part of his mini-rework. And, Riot has finally announced the second half of Jax’s upgrade, the aesthetics.

League of Legends: Jax Visual Updates Latest Updated 14
Image via Riot Games

Riot will be revamping a slew of Jax’s graphics as a consequence, including a new model, new animations and visual effects, updated splash images for older cosmetics, and a new voiceover.

He’s also been given a new narrative for why he fights with a moderate size stave rather than a real weapon: the brazier is the sole thing that he has left from his home of Icathia before it was destroyed by the terrible powers of the Void.

Jax Mini-rework has been revealed: New abilities, New VFX, New secret Passive, and more 1
Image via Riot Games

While no dates have been set, Riot has confirmed that Jax’s Visual update will be released later this year.

https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-jax-visual-updates-latest-updated/feed/ 0 60516
Riot is giving Kayle massive “Divine” buffs to make her 1vs5 easier https://notagamer.net/riot-kayle-massive-divine-buffs-make-her-1vs5-easier/ https://notagamer.net/riot-kayle-massive-divine-buffs-make-her-1vs5-easier/#respond Sat, 21 Jan 2023 14:46:48 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=57574 League of Legends devs are exploring buffing Kayle ultimate ability to give her an even more potent late-game power

Most League of Legends champions can compete in early-game circumstances. Kayle stands out since she has absolutely no redeeming traits at the beginning of the game. She relies heavily on levels and items to be useful, but her late game is lethal. Kayle is one of the most difficult carry champions to choose.

With that said, the devs are looking in ways to buff her ult so that she can slide her way back in the meta.

Riot August, lead champion designer, has demonstrated several unique buffs that would significantly increase her power level in the late game.

Unlike the other patch previews provided by Rioters in advance of major changes, these buffs have been presented as exclusive. While there is a chance they may not be implemented, the Kayle buffs August is suggesting would drastically affect the way the champion is played.

Riot is giving Kayle massive "Divine" buffs to make her 1vs5 easier 15
Image via Riot Games

Her ultimate currently does not allow her to continue auto-attacking when she is invulnerable. This means that a Kayle player cannot continue to generate DPS while using the ability to stay alive.

The size of her ult AoE damage is also being increased to sync with her auto-attack range. These buffs would completely eliminate that trade-off, making Kayle invulnerable while still doing massive late-game damage. Regardless, she will be vulnerable to CC for the duration.

Riot is giving Kayle massive "Divine" buffs to make her 1vs5 easier 16
Image via Riot Games

Because the VFX on her ability would take time to develop, it may be a long before we see these modifications impact live servers.  The champion, on the other hand, is likely to get buffs in the near future.

https://notagamer.net/riot-kayle-massive-divine-buffs-make-her-1vs5-easier/feed/ 0 57574
Riot admitted updating Jax VFX/SFX because ‘We straight up missed a few things’ https://notagamer.net/riot-updating-jax-vfx-sfx-missed-a-few-things/ https://notagamer.net/riot-updating-jax-vfx-sfx-missed-a-few-things/#respond Thu, 19 Jan 2023 13:37:32 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=57530 Jax mid-scope update’s gameplay was a huge success, his VFX, however, was the other way around
Riot admitted updating Jax VFX/SFX because 'We straight up missed a few things' 17
Image via Riot Games

The mid-scope update to Jax in League of Legends did not meet the expectations of the fan base. Following the update’s release last week, Jax was instantly harmed when several of his skins were modified to lose some of their aesthetic and graphical features.

Jax’s aesthetics on some skins now fail to convey his strength, with the animations for his hard-hitting passive feeling slower than normal and his ultimate, Grandmaster’s Might, no longer having a VFX tied to its shield component.

League dev admit they actually missed something with the Mid-scope update

On behalf of the dev team, lead champion designer August Browning acknowledged for mistakenly eliminating some of his visual effects and outlined what the team is working to rectify the matter. Jax will receive a handful of graphic improvements and animation tweaks in Patch 13.2 in an attempt to restore some of the champion’s power.

“This was partially due to some bugs that slipped in, but also because we straight up missed a few things. Sorry about that.”

Riot admitted updating Jax VFX/SFX because 'We straight up missed a few things' 18
Image via Riot Games

Riot will be reverting accidental modifications to Jax’s animations in Patch 13.2, including a tweak that restores his ultimate’s shield animation and a fix that adjusts the timing behind his ult’s auto-attack SFX. 

According to Riot, one problem caused certain noises to “not play at all,” but it has been resolved for Patch 13.2. Skins like Mecha Kingdoms, God Staff, and Nemesis Jax have received new visual effects that make him appears more menacing and should meet to his mid-scope updates fantasy.


While Jax may appear weaker in the current patch, there’s no doubt that the mid-scope update made him a much better champion with more dynamic builds overall. With the improvements on the table, it’s probable that in Patch 13.2, The Grandmaster at Arms will return to appearing a fearful toplaner.

https://notagamer.net/riot-updating-jax-vfx-sfx-missed-a-few-things/feed/ 0 57530
Jax Mini-rework has been revealed: New abilities, New VFX, New secret Passive, and more https://notagamer.net/jax-mini-rework-abilities-vfx-secret-passive/ https://notagamer.net/jax-mini-rework-abilities-vfx-secret-passive/#respond Fri, 02 Dec 2022 13:30:41 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=55757 Jax will receive significant mid-scope changes in the next League of Legends season

Jax Mini-rework has been revealed: New abilities, New VFX, New secret Passive, and more 19
Image via Riot Games

Jax, one of League of Legends’ most popular fighters, is receiving his long-awaited mid-scope update. This update will make him considerably more powerful and fix any weaknesses in his kit that he presently has.

As a result, the precise release date as well as the anticipated modifications from his mini-rework have been announced. Riot August, League of Legends’ lead champion designer, just released the following changes.

New mini-rework changes to Jax’s kit


  • No Changes


  • AP Ratio: 60% >>> Removed


  • No Changes


  • Damage: 55-155 (+50% Bonus AD) physical damage >>> 55-175 +4% max health (+100% AP) magic damage
  • Bonus damage per attack dodged: 20% of total damage >>> 20% of base damage


  • Damage: 100/140/180 (+70% AP) >>> 100-150 (+60% AP)
  • Added VFX and SFX when the passive attack is ready
  • New ACTIVE (w/ New VFX and ANIMATION)
  • Jax will swing his lantern around and deal 150-300% (+100% AP) magic damage to all nearby enemies. Once he hits a champion, he will gain 10-40 (+ 0.1 bonus AD) Armor and Magic Resist, plus 14-22 (+0.1 Bonus AD) per champion hit for 8 seconds. While this is active, the passive damage will apply for every 2nd attack instead of 3rd

Riot August noted in his Tweet that Jax is not getting as much of a tweak as other champions for their mid-scope updates. Most of his kit is left untouched, and this update attempts to fix two very specific issues.

Jax Mini-rework has been revealed: New abilities, New VFX, New secret Passive, and more 20
Image via Riot Games

The first is that they want to make his ultimate more spectacular, and the second is that they want AP builds to be even more viable. This will become evident as players notice the modifications to his kit.

As a result, it is obvious that the devs intend Jax to have far higher burst potential in League of Legends. Understandably, just two of his abilities are being modified, owing to the fact that he is already in a good shape. His new ult will soon become a ‘spin-to-win’ ability with an entirely new active, VFX, and animation.

These adjustments will make him Jax more adaptable and create far more diversity in the game. Aside from that, it will strengthen the champion potential versus various matchups that rely on smashing the opponent down.

Jax Mini-rework has been revealed: New abilities, New VFX, New secret Passive, and more 21
Image via Riot Games

Jax’s update will be available on the game’s PBE server tomorrow. Riot August, on the other hand, has initially confirmed that his new VFX, SFX, and animations may have issues.

The devs are now preparing the formal release of this mini-rework in conjunction with patch 13.1, which will mark the start of Season 13 in January 2023.

https://notagamer.net/jax-mini-rework-abilities-vfx-secret-passive/feed/ 0 55757
Janna gets a new VFX update in League of Legends https://notagamer.net/janna-gets-a-new-vfx-update-in-league-of-legends/ https://notagamer.net/janna-gets-a-new-vfx-update-in-league-of-legends/#respond Tue, 20 Sep 2022 13:09:57 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=51803 One of the initial 40 champions made available with League of Legends back in 2009 was Janna, the Storm’s Fury. She has generally remained the same champion over time, with only slight aesthetic changes and adjustments to lessen her lane domination. The sole significant modification to Janna was this year’s update, which changed her early game power from Zephyr to Eye of the Storm.

Janna is scheduled to receive a VFX upgrade that will put a strong emphasis on her identity, spell readability, and optimization, even though we weren’t expecting to see her receive one. Like previous VFX updates for characters like Fizz, Leona, and Nami, Janna’s VFX update will enhance the sharpness of her spells while bringing the visuals up to the most recent League standards.

As anticipated, the spell effects on base Janna, Hextech Janna, Frost Queen Janna, Victorious Janna, and Forecast Janna will be addressed and enhanced. The adjustments to base Janna’s skin will also affect the recolored Tempest Janna’s skin. On the other side, only Howling Gale and Monsoon will receive updates from Star Guardian Janna, Sacred Sword Janna, Bewitching Janna, Guardian of the Sands Janna, Battle Queen Janna, Crystal Rose Janna, Cyber Halo Janna, and Prestige Cyber Halo Janna.

https://notagamer.net/janna-gets-a-new-vfx-update-in-league-of-legends/feed/ 0 51803
Fizz will be receiving huge VFX in Patch 12.16 https://notagamer.net/fizz-huge-vfx-patch-12-16/ https://notagamer.net/fizz-huge-vfx-patch-12-16/#respond Thu, 11 Aug 2022 13:34:01 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=49386 Fizz is one of the most entertaining champions to play in League of Legends, and it’s also one of the oldest.

Despite not receiving any major picks in the competitive scene, he still has a highly active following and people like playing him in ranked and solo queue games.

Fizz will be receiving huge VFX in Patch 12.16 22
Image via Riot Games

Fizz was added to League of Legends 11 years ago by Riot Games. And, unlike most champions at that time, the Tidal Trickster does not suffer from underperformance.

But, to show him some love, Riot Games is now launching some quality of life and VFX updates. The changes should help his aesthetics catch up to current League standards while also improving gameplay clarity.

Fizz VFX in Patch 12.16

Riot Games is presently collecting feedback from League of Legends fans on their official feedback thread for the PBE server, and the VFX update is currently live on the PBE server.

  • Base: Complete overhaul
  • Atlantean Fizz: Same as base, but with a custom R and W
  • Tundra Fizz: Same as base, but with a custom R and W
  • Fisherman Fizz: Same as base, but with a custom R and W
  • Void Fizz: Complete overhaul
  • Cottontail Fizz: Complete overhaul
  • Super Galaxy Fizz: New W passive marker
  • Omega Squad Fizz: New W passive marker
  • Fuzz Fizz: New W passive marker
  • Prestige Fuzz Fizz: New W passive marker
  • Little Devil Fizz: New W passive marker

Fizz’s VFX updates will include both his original model and all of his skins, while some will receive more modifications than others.

Fizz will be receiving huge VFX in Patch 12.16 23
Image via Riot Games

The VFX changes will be made available on live servers in patch 12.16, which is set to be released on August 24.

https://notagamer.net/fizz-huge-vfx-patch-12-16/feed/ 0 49386