Yorick – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News https://notagamer.net The world's largest esports and influencer news site. Wed, 10 Jul 2024 18:42:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.15 https://notagamer.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/cropped-logo2-75x75.png Yorick – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News https://notagamer.net 32 32 172255210 League of Legends: This champion is still dominating the Iron rank https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-champion-dominate-iron-rank/ https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-champion-dominate-iron-rank/#respond Wed, 10 Jul 2024 18:41:14 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=76041 Iron is a fascinating rank in League of Legends, where unconventional champions often dominate the meta, and, the current patch is no exception.

Yorick has been the strongest top lane champion for the last 5 patches

For at least the last 5 patches, Yorick has maintained his position at the top of Iron’s standings in the top lane. As of this writing, Yorick boasts an astounding 55.23% win rate in Patch 14.13, according to the League stats site U.GG.

Image via Riot Games

Not only does Yorick have an impressive win rate, but he also has a notable pick rate. He has been selected in 6.3% of Iron matches. Additionally, Yorick is frequently banned, appearing in the ban list for 11.2% of games. This indicates that players recognize his power and are wary of facing him.

While Yorick may not be the best champion to pick for high-ranked or competitive players due to his easy counterability, this has not hindered his dominance in the lowest rank.

League of Legends: This champion is still dominating the Iron rank 1
Image via Riot Games

Yorick’s success in low ranks is likely attributed to his unique abilities, which allow players to overwhelm their opponent in the top lane with his ghouls. When low-ranked top laners are forced to handle not only Yorick but also his ghouls, minions, and potential jungle pressure, they often struggle to survive the laning phase. If Yorick gains an early advantage, he can quickly become an unstoppable bruiser.

For those struggling against Yorick, it is recommended to choose champions like Tryndamere, Urgot, or Trundle. These champions can make trading with Yorick more manageable, and with proper play, you should be able to counter and defeat him in one-on-one situations.

https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-champion-dominate-iron-rank/feed/ 0 76041
Yorick is entirely abandoned – League players blasted at devs https://notagamer.net/yorick-abandoned-league-players-blasted-devs/ https://notagamer.net/yorick-abandoned-league-players-blasted-devs/#respond Sun, 16 Jul 2023 17:37:13 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=62900 The champion Yorick has drawn attentions from League of Legends players on Reddit, with some saying the developer may have even forgotten the champion entirely

With more than 160 champions available to players, League of Legends is a rather large game. Players may easily find a champion to play from game to game. But there is an equally forgotten champion for every popular champion.  Compared to their favourite equivalents, these champions don’t get as much play time.

Undoubtedly, this applies to the poor Shepherd of Souls. Yorick was a champion who debuted in 2011 and was initially an unwanted champion for his appearance and playstyle.

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Image via Riot Games

LoL players slammed devs for abandoning Yorick

He did get a rework, which put him back in the spotlight, but he has since faded. In fact, one player thought it would be a good idea to remind Riot of his existence.

A Reddit user who goes by the name Kampyscho posted a Reddit post mentioning how Yorick has been left in the dust for quite a while now. After it was established there were no minions in the new Arena mode, Psycho made the decision to draw attention to the problems. Since this is a key component of his kit, he was essentially unplayable in that mode.

“Shortly after the New Mode launched on PBE and of course Yorick had no way to get his Ghouls for the first 2 rounds, basically damn near unplayable since he’s a necromancer reliant on his pets for DPS.”

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Image via Riot Games

He outlined a number of problems with the champion, which was left far behind on Summoner’s Rift despite receiving some quality-of-life improvements in the arena mode. Sadly, the modifications that were suggested for Yorick were not meant for Summoner’s Rift.

Yorick was going to undergo some changes, as Riot has previously hinted in the patch preview, however, it turns out that they were only bug patches and not substantial changes.

“Later on that day of course we got the full list of the Patch 13.14 and come to find out the “adjustments” were just a bugfix, now I love it, when Riot bugfixes Yorick especially when he has a long list of bugs done by u/NinetalesLoL instead of addressing some of the most constant ones”

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Image via Riot Games

He continues by discussing the champion’s past with nerfs and how Riot has practically abandoned him, leaving a fairly fitting statement.

Yorick’s future with Riot is questionable, but the champions’ mains believe he needs some love fast or else he would go back to his root of being a forgotten champion.

https://notagamer.net/yorick-abandoned-league-players-blasted-devs/feed/ 0 62900
2022 Spirit Blossom Skins full revealed: Splash arts, Release date, and more https://notagamer.net/spirit-blossom-revealed-splash-arts-release-date/ https://notagamer.net/spirit-blossom-revealed-splash-arts-release-date/#respond Wed, 21 Sep 2022 08:48:41 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=51901 One of League of Legends’ most popular skin lines is making a surprising return to the game to coincide with this year’s World Championship tournament, along with a slew of new champions skin in exotic attire.

Riot Games has finally confirmed the reintroduction of Spirit Blossom to League, following an original teaser. The Spirit Blossom skin line, which was first introduced in 2020, is one of League of Legends’ most popular skin lines. Many players still regard it as the greatest skin the game has ever gotten.

Syndra, Tristana, Soraka, Evelynn, Sett, Aphelios, Yorick, Darius, and Master Yi will be joining the Spirit Blossom skin line this time. Master Yi will also get a Prestige skin for his new look.

2022 Spirit Blossom skins


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Image via Riot Games


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Image via Riot Games


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Image via Riot Games


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Image via Riot Games


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Image via Riot Games


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Image via Riot Games


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Image via Riot Games


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Image via Riot Games

Master Yi

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Image via Riot Games
2022 Spirit Blossom Skins full revealed: Splash arts, Release date, and more 14
Prestige Edition

Each of these skins portrays these champions clad in light, Eastern-style clothes and adorned with mysterious pink blossoms.

When Spirit Blossom 2022 was revealed, many were concerned that the event’s skins would fail. Fortunately, players thought the skins were absolutely fantastic. Many people believed that their design, color palette, and aesthetics were appropriate for the theme.

It’s uncertain whether all of these skins will be released at the same time. However, they are expected to be separated across two patches to keep players interested in what is anticipated to be at the Spirit Blossom event.

Players may expect to return to the realm when at least some of these skins become available with Patch 12.19 on October 5.

The outcome of the event is difficult to predict. Fans of League of Legends will only have to wait two weeks to receive the full image of the event.

https://notagamer.net/spirit-blossom-revealed-splash-arts-release-date/feed/ 0 51901
Here’s how 3 Yorick’s Mist Walkers kill a 13k HP Drake in League of Legends https://notagamer.net/3-yorick-mist-walkers-13k-hp-drake-league-of-legends/ https://notagamer.net/3-yorick-mist-walkers-13k-hp-drake-league-of-legends/#respond Sun, 04 Sep 2022 01:28:14 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=50716 Killing a Drake has never been this easy with Yorick

Soloing a Drake in League of Legends is a late-game approach that is widely thought to be only achievable for champions that are exceptionally well fed. 

Here’s how 3 Yorick's Mist Walkers kill a 13k HP Drake in League of Legends 15
Image via Riot Games

Recently, a Yorick player has turned this definition to a whole’ nother level when he did that through only 3 of his Mist Walkers.

The Yorick player utilized three of his walkers to solo a Cloud Drake in the recent clip shared to the official League of Legends subreddit. The player approached the Drake and used Mourning Mist (E) to hurl his walkers at it before stepping away and leaving the minions to deal with the “solo” alone.

Yorick’s minions had no trouble with the confrontation. Throughout the whole clip, none of them were killed by the dragon, and only one of them fell below 50% of its overall HP.  The Mist Walkers have 212 base health at level 18, plus 20% of the champion’s maximum health.

Because the walkers passively take 50% of monster damage, they’re pretty difficult to deal with when it comes to neutral objectives like the dragon. Also, Cloud Drake deals % health damage.

Here’s how 3 Yorick's Mist Walkers kill a 13k HP Drake in League of Legends 16
Image via Riot Games

Furthermore, according to the player’s OP.GG, the game in which this occurred was a smash, with the player finishing with a score of 10/1/1 and several Lethality items.

The game eventually concluded 13 seconds after the Cloud Drake was defeated by the Mist Walkers.

https://notagamer.net/3-yorick-mist-walkers-13k-hp-drake-league-of-legends/feed/ 0 50716
Sentinels of Light event failed to develop the universe of League of Legends lore https://notagamer.net/sentinels-of-light-event-failed-develop-league-lore/ https://notagamer.net/sentinels-of-light-event-failed-develop-league-lore/#respond Tue, 17 Aug 2021 05:32:29 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=37012 Fans expressed their displeasure with the event’s narrative, stating that Sentinels of Light is yet another “wasted opportunity” by Riot Games, in which they ruined one of the League universe’s most anticipated storylines.
Sentinels of Light event failed to develop the universe of League of Legends lore 17
Image via Riot Games

The Sentinels of Light narrative event in League of Legends was the widely anticipated follow-up to last year’s Spirit Blossom event, with Riot Games taking a significant step forward in lore development with the introduction of the Ruination.

In early 2021, Riot announced the Ruination as the League’s main event for most of the year. The Ruination stood out as one of the first major leaps in lore progression since the Burning Tides event in 2015. From champion releases to game modes and map overhauls, the Ruination stood out as one of the first major leaps in lore progression since the dive into Bilgewater with the Burning Tides event in 2015. The Ruined King, Viego, who has long been a fixture of countless champions’ lore as a vital nemesis to all of Runeterra, was also finally met by players.

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Image via Riot Games

We knew a clash between the Sentinels of Light—specifically Senna and Lucian—and Viego was on the horizon from the opening cinematic of the year. The appropriately called Sentinels of Light event brought this battle into the hands of players, recording Senna and Lucian’s attempt to foil Viego’s intentions and save all of Runeterra from impending Ruination.

Players were introduced to different Sentinel versions of some of League’s most iconic champions—Vayne, Irelia, Riven, Diana, Pyke, Olaf, Graves, and Rengar—as well as new champions Gwen and Akshan joining the heroes in their battle. Viego’s army, on the other hand, was made up of formidable champions that had fallen to the Ruined King’s power: Karma, Pantheon, Draven, Shyvana, Miss Fortune, and the future champion, Vex. Riot, a battle between the forces of good and evil, set the stage for one of the most fascinating occurrences to ever take place in Runeterra.

Image via Riot Games

However, the way the event was managed did nothing to give gamers the joy of seeing years of League mythology come together. What was supposed to be a celebration of 11 years of world-building rapidly became the subject of disputes and complaints from a fan group that has made this world their home. Riot has done more harm than good with the Sentinels of Light event, with sluggish plot advancement, numerous problems, and the convolution of existing League lore—marking a significant step back from what was brilliant just a short year ago.

Grinding games to progress isn’t a good way.

The “gimmick” of the Sentinels of Light event featured players recruiting other champions from all around Runeterra to battle against the Ruination, which required playing many games to gather points to advance the plot. And we mean a lot of them.

Players got access to a bonus connected with the champion with each Sentinel recruited, which rewarded them extra advancement points if they accomplished those bonuses in their games. However, only Lucian and Senna were available to give benefits as players progressed through Demacia, the first area that players could access—and they weren’t particularly big.

Even if players successfully obtained all of these rewards in their games, it would take tens of games to move through Demacia. Because players only recruited one Sentinel (with the exception of Demacia, when players recruited both Gwen and Vayne), bonuses to advancement points did not accumulate quickly enough, requiring players to play a large number of games—and frequently not satisfying the bonus criteria at all.

A wasted opportunity for champions in Shadow Isles.

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Image via Riot Games

By no means is the Shadow Isles a new location in League lore. Various champions from the gloomy area once known as the Blessed Isles have been revealed over the years, with Viego being the most recent. Champions have made significant contributions to the tale of the Shadow Isles since the location’s inception, even mentioning the Ruination and their roles within it.

Instead of being the “Shepherd of Souls,” this Yorick was only a placeholder champion whose narrative will be retconned. The blessed water in the vial around his neck was no longer restricted to his use exclusively. Despite his established legend that he only has enough drops to defend himself, Yorick gave each Sentinel of Light a drop of the extinct water to shield them from the Mist.

To add to Yorick’s obviously defeated shell of a character, the Maiden of the Mist’s origins was modified to make her a fetter of the puzzle that was Isolde’s soul—just like Senna and Gwen, all for the plot’s benefit. Yorick was never heard from again. A champion so entwined with the Ruination’s very existence had been almost totally erased from its tale, leaving us with the body of a shepherd forgotten by his creators.

However, Yorick was not the only champion that was excluded from the Shadow Isles section of the event. Champions such as Kalista, Hecarim, Karthus, and Maokai, among many others whose lore is inextricably linked to the events of the Ruination, were nowhere to be seen. Viego and a tiny edgy yordle led Viego’s army into combat, not Hecarim. Maokai and Kalista were not out looking for revenge on the source of the Ruination; in fact, they were nowhere to be found.

Uhmm… Why is Vex even here?

Sentinels of Light event failed to develop the universe of League of Legends lore 20

Vex, League’s next champion who has long been touted as a mid lane mage, is the name of that yordle. Since Kled in 2016, there have been no new yordles added to the game. So when Riot revealed that a new yordle with direct links to the Ruination would be joining the battlefield, enthusiasm skyrocketed. But instead, we got one of the worst sections of the Sentinels of Light event.

Vex’s gimmick is her fixation with melancholy, perceiving the world for what it is and refusing to accept any happiness. She commands a massive shadow to do her bidding (and apparently opens portals to alternate dimensions). Aside from that, her character is extremely one-dimensional. Riot had this character in its pocket who it had long hinted to be a part of the Ruination, but had no clue how to fit her into the story—so it paired her alongside Viego, believing that two adversaries wanting a bleak future would work well together. They, however, did not.

Viego and Vex’s collaboration was a bad storyline. These individuals had quite different ultimate goals, and one of them didn’t even have any specific strategies to achieve that aim. Seeing these characters fight in their ideas made Vex appear even more immature on top of her dry, melancholy humor, portraying her as some edgy teenager stereotype while never clarifying what she was receiving out of her connection with Viego.

Where are the other Sentinels?

Credit: Riot Games

The Sentinels of Light event began and concluded with two cinematics, one giving a preview of what players may anticipate in the event and the other showcasing an animated depiction of the climactic battle against Viego. While the opening cinematic gave a climax teaser to excite fans about the event and the debut of the newest Sentinel of Light, Akshan, the closing cinematic was a big smack in the face to those who spent their time into the Ruination lore.

The faces we recruited from all across Runeterra have vanished. Instead, Riot retconned the whole event, making Vayne and Graves the only recruited Sentinels of Light—though there are no specifics on whether they were just the only ones to follow Senna, Lucian, and Gwen into the climactic confrontation with Viego. The ending was the same, but the group of over ten Sentinels of Light had been reduced to only a handful, with some of the more powerful allies being left out in favor of the more human-like, mediocre ones who lacked those superhuman characteristics. And, of course, we must not overlook Akshan.

Where was Akshan this entire time, despite being such an essential element in the end of the Ruination and the bane of Viego? Not only was he freed with only two weeks till the event, but his participation in the tale depicted him as little more than a bumbling amateur with only one objective in mind: resurrecting his master, Shadya. Though most of the event’s Shurima storyline is unremarkable, Akshan’s character growth shines in his understanding that the Absolver cannot bring his master back from the grave. But it’s unclear if this implies he didn’t kill her killer or that she can’t be revived.

Then he vanished. The League’s newest champion, the one who was supposed to put the fight to a close, suddenly vanished. Because of Lucian’s unusual decision to send the player to Shurima in the middle of the night, Akshan and his Absolver became nothing more than name drops for the other characters, most of whom didn’t even know he existed. Fitting his pattern, the Rogue Sentinel reappeared at the end as the story’s hero, but in such an unsatisfactory fashion that the effort that players had done recruiting Sentinels from all around Runeterra was made completely meaningless.

We were never properly compensated for all of our efforts. Instead, everything we accomplished was quickly retconned in front of our eyes, with the emphasis on the wonderful love between Senna and Lucian being taken away. Viego’s narrative ended, but the difficult path to get there yielded little rewards for the gamers who took their time uniting the corners of Runeterra to battle the Ruination.

We leave knowing nothing about the future of League mythology and little about what precisely The Ruined King game will cover now that we’ve traveled the Ruination. But, hey, at the very least, we now have a few icons and emotes that we will never use.

https://notagamer.net/sentinels-of-light-event-failed-develop-league-lore/feed/ 0 37012
League of Legends: Which pet of the champions has the most frightening power of League of Legends? https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-which-pet-of-the-champions-has-the-most-frightening-power-of-league-of-legends/ https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-which-pet-of-the-champions-has-the-most-frightening-power-of-league-of-legends/#respond Wed, 17 Jul 2019 11:23:48 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=2032 In the League of Legends, many generals carry their “pets”.

5. Valor of Quinn

Quinn and Valor had a fateful relationship with each other, when Quinn fell into helplessness with the last arrow, an eagle plunged to attack the monster’s face.

With the help of the eagle, Quinn was able to defeat the monster when she took all his courage and calmly aimed at the last arrow on it monster.

League of Legends: Which pet of the champions has the most frightening power of League of Legends? 21

After that, Quinn took the eagle home to take care of and named Valor. From there, they became a couple together on any battle. Valor has a hard beak and sharp claws ready to attack any enemy and this seems to be an indispensable “friend” of Quinn every time she goes to battle.

4. Void Swarm of Malzahar

Referring to Malzahar, every player must be scared by the amount of damage from Void Swarm of Malzahar.

League of Legends: Which pet of the champions has the most frightening power of League of Legends? 22

Void Swarm of Malzahar is known as small monsters, they can erode everything that blocks the way, including humans, trees or houses.

League of Legends: Which pet of the champions has the most frightening power of League of Legends? 23

As long as Malzahar orders, these bugs are ready to attack the enemy without fear or run.

3. Mist Walkers – Maiden of the Mist of Yorick

Mist Walkers, weak but always obey Yorick’s orders. They attack the enemy while Yorick and the Maiden of the Mist launch finishing blows in an instant.

League of Legends: Which pet of the champions has the most frightening power of League of Legends? 24

2. Crows of Swain

Crows are a symbol of death. Swain uses crows to collect the victim’s soul to restore and nourish his vitality.

League of Legends: Which pet of the champions has the most frightening power of League of Legends? 25

Swain’s crow doesn’t actually appear in the game and deals damage, but it makes Swain scary.

1. Bear Tibbers of Annie

Lastly, Tibbers of Annie, a huge and extremely powerful bear ready to be launched to fight. “Big but don’t know if the penis is big :l”

League of Legends: Which pet of the champions has the most frightening power of League of Legends? 26

Annie’s advantage in every battle was not herself but in the power of this bear.

League of Legends: Which pet of the champions has the most frightening power of League of Legends? 27

Tibbers eradicated all those who got in the way with his powerful slap and burned everything with Annie’s fire of resentment.

In your opinion, which of the Pet is the coolest? Please leave your comments under this article!

https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-which-pet-of-the-champions-has-the-most-frightening-power-of-league-of-legends/feed/ 0 2032
League of Legends: Experience of rankings for Gamer https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-experience-of-rankings-for-gamer/ https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-experience-of-rankings-for-gamer/#respond Wed, 26 Jun 2019 16:50:51 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=1690 1. Although the gameplay is quite simple, Ornn is still not an ideal choice for newbie.

It sounds strange because usually tank champions have difficulty levels not too high. However, Ornn is one of the exceptions because he not only possesses many orientation skills but also has many unique interactions that require players to get used to.

League of Legends: Experience of rankings for Gamer 28

First, Ornn players need to learn how to take advantage of the ability to buy items anywhere on their map, using W to avoid CC, and using combo Q + E.

In other words, will you want to use a Malphite or Ornn in your squad for the first time? A general who uses all of the skills of just and click and an easy-to-use R or a champion with a lot of difficult navigation skills to use?

2. Rengar is always the best choice in higher rankings matches

One of the main reasons why Rengar has always been ranked tier S is because he benefited greatly from the changes of meta. For example, the time when the  Rift Scuttler first appeared allowed him to concentrate farm to level 6 earlier than before.

League of Legends: Experience of rankings for Gamer 29

Another reason is that Rengar is very good at dealing with Hot Pick Meta, such as Karthus before, or with Sejuani. Simply put, meta is now where the Rengar is easier to breathe before level 6, with based champions mainly relying on CC to defeat him, and the return of the enchanter-type Supporters like Karma, Yuumi and Janna turn Rengar into a suitable option.

3. Garen and Yorick are extremely strong in the Top Lane

Garen and Yorick ranked tier S not only because of the high winning rate at the present time. When you look at their respective winning rates, you will hardly miss their success.

League of Legends: Experience of rankings for Gamer 30

In the case of Garen, even if you think he is only for low-skill players, it’s hard not to see his dominance at Rank Gold and the lower rank.

The rankings of power generals are based on indicators and some logic, not only based on the player’s perception and judgment, but that a certain champion is not worthy of tier S.

4. Ivern is increasingly disappearing from the League of Legends

Ivern has weakened greatly since the changes in the time of the first appearance of the Rift Scuttler. This change makes him lose his biggest advantage is the ability to control the beginning of the game.

As a result, Ivern’s Jung ring becomes much more dangerous, especially at higher rankings with top-tier monsters like Elise or Olaf.

League of Legends: Experience of rankings for Gamer 31

At lower rankings, Ivern is safer when he is dependent on the team, but he is being overtaken by the tank champions – the resilient generals and the active fighting. Ivern depends on too many factors and cannot decide for himself or herself or his teammates, so this is not a worthwhile option.

5. Fiora is not the best option at the moment, but it is easy to counter champions Top Lane.

Fiora is a strong champion in solo 1 vs 1. However, Fiora has no way to force combat or clean up combat. This means Fiora has difficulty finding ways to end the match

League of Legends: Experience of rankings for Gamer 32

So unless Fiora is buffed to the point of being extremely OP or strong enough to roll the snowball and outperform the rest.

However, this makes no one able to win Fiora in any 1vs1 or even 1v2 match when her attacking stats are too high. But if Fiora’s damage is too low, there is no way to win unless Fiora too superior to the opponent or has an easy match. Fiora probably needs a little change with the Ultimate to fix this.

https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-experience-of-rankings-for-gamer/feed/ 0 1690