League of Legends newest champion Aurora’s Abilities detailed

The upcoming champion, Aurora, has been creating quite a buzz as Riot Games has revealed her abilities. She is the newest champion set to be released in League of Legends. She is expected to make her debut during the Summer Event. Aurora is a Mage champion designed for both the Top and Mid Lane.

Teasers and the League of Legends Mini-Game, The Spirit of the Hearth, have introduced players to her story. With gameplay content now available, let’s delve into Aurora’s abilities.

League of Legends Aurora abilities

Based on the video, it is clear that she has a lot of utility in her kit. The champion has the ability to turn invisible and control a zone where she can move freely. Additionally, she possesses damaging abilities, including a recall projectile similar to Zoe’s.

Passive – Spirit Abjuration:

If Aurora damages an enemy 3 times with either her spell, attacks, or both, she will deal magic damage and gain a Spirit. This allows her to enter Spirit Mode and gain movement speed, empowering her healing for 3 seconds.

For every additional spirit following Aurora, the bonuses from Spirit Mode are increased by 5%.

Q – Twofold Hex:

Fire a blast of energy in a direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hitting and marking them. You can recast the ability to use the mark to gain the Spirit back dealing magic damage to enemies that it passes through.

W – Across The Veil:

Hop in a direction. Upon landing, enter the spirit realm, become Invisible, and enter Spirit Mode for several seconds. Takedowns on Enemy Champions reset the cooldown for Across the Veil.

E – The Weirding:

Send out a blast of Spirit Magic to deal damage in an area and slow the target’s hit. Aurora will hop backward slightly on cast.

R – Between Worlds:

Send out a pulse of Spirit Energy that deals damage and slows enemies. The area merges with the Spirit Realm, granting Aurora an empowered Spirit Mode, and allowing her to travel from one end of the area to the other freely.

Enemies who try to cross the threshold will take magic damage, be slowed, and be pushed back toward the center of the area.

Image via Riot Games

There is much to appreciate about her abilities, which include significant movement capabilities and skill shot damage. Aurora is scheduled to be released in Patch 14.14, which is set to go live on July 17.