Build – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News The world's largest esports and influencer news site. Sun, 07 Jul 2024 15:53:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Build – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News 32 32 172255210 League of Legends: Top 5 weirdest OP builds on Patch 14.13 Sun, 07 Jul 2024 15:52:44 +0000 New combinations from items to runes continue to bring many unique gameplay to climb the ranks in League 14.13.

LoL Patch 14.13 weirdest but OP builds

Aatrox Overlord’s Bloodmail

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The Aatrox Bruiser build made a strong comeback in 14.12 when the champion received a significant buff in his ultimate. No longer equipped with Lethality, Aatrox returns to familiar items such as Black Cleaver and Sundered Sky with stats suitable for dealing damage and staying long in combat.

However, there was one item that few people noticed that was very suitable for Aatrox, and that was Overlord’s Bloodmail. With Passives increasing AD based on missing health, this item will provide Aatrox with significant damange in combat, or 1v1 solos. In addition, the increase in AD is also significant as the current Aatrox is built according to the Bruiser gameplay.

Olaf Zeke’s

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After Hecarim, another champion that is very suitable for Zeke’s build is Olaf. With a cheap price and extremely suitable defensive stats, Zeke’s is considered the third item that helps Olaf expand his power in a superior way in the middle and end of the match.

The passives from this item not only give Olaf more damage, but also provide the ability to slow down, which makes it better to chase down enemies when this champion does not have hard control. With the role of sweeping into combat thanks to his ultimate, Olaf is the most suitable champion to optimize the power of this equipment.

Of course, before that, Olaf couldn’t do it without some items with strong healing ability, at the moment, it is the Ravenous Hydra and the Sundered Sky.

Katarina AD Bruiser

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Having emerged many times and then disappeared due to various edits, AD Katarina build is back in patch 14.13 with a very high efficiency in the Mid Lane.

Instead of the usual Blade of the Ruined King, Katarina’s first piece of item would be the Stridebreaker. Not only does it provide damage, the ability to slow down opponents, but the 450 Health stat from this item also makes Katarina stronger in the early stages. This makes it possible for Katarina players to be more active in combos to close down on enemy champions early.

Next, this champion will aim for attack effect items to increase her DPS, of which Kraken Slayer and Terminus are the most optimal choices. With this Bruiser playstyle, Katarina will find it easier to close in on enemy champions, taking advantage of mobility to disrupt the fight.

Nilah Death’s Dance

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Instead of building in the usual crit build, Nilah is being tested by many masters with new item upgrades. The Essence Reaver will be available as soon as possible to ensure early damage, especially the ability to suck mana to spam while on the lane.

However, the second item will be more unique with the Death’s Dance, which is a common item in bruisers. Obviously, for a melee ADC like Nilah, this item will help players feel more confident in the fight. Especially with the bonus of 40 Armor, Nilah will have a great advantage when facing other Marksmen. In the end, Dominik’s Crossbow was chosen as the 3rd item.

Bard Warmogs

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An extremely interesting gameplay in the emerging Support position is Bard in the direction of dealing Damage. This champion will be able to take advantage of Passives to create a unique set of items, thereby creating discomfort for opponents when laning.

Blood Song will be a necessary upgrade to increase Damage from auto attacks, while Wits End will give Bard more AD as well as a certain amount of MR.

However, just like the trend in recent times, Warmogs is the main dish that needs to be put on first as Bard’s unique build. With the ability to kite and inflict constant control, Bard has time to pull in combat, thereby making good use of Warmogs’ passive.

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LoL players are mocking Galio, devs step up to defend Tue, 02 Apr 2024 06:43:54 +0000 In response to mounting player complaints regarding Galio’s perceived lack of identity, developers of League of Legends have come forward to defend the mid-lane champion.

Riot Phroxzon, the lead gameplay designer for League of Legends, addressed concerns raised by players on Reddit, acknowledging the dissatisfaction surrounding Galio’s current state in both solo queue and professional play.

Since undergoing rework iterations, Galio has undergone various build paths, with some players opting for heavy AP builds aimed at punishing enemy laners with powerful combos. However, such a playstyle diverges from Riot’s original intention for the champion, which was envisioned as a protector/defender with a more supportive role.

Despite the discontent among players, Phroxzon argues that Galio does indeed possess a distinct identity within the game. He asserts that the champion is designed to function as an enabler mid-laner, capable of mitigating magic damage while empowering teammates.

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“Galio is just weak right now. I don’t think he lacks identity, he has a pretty clear one, he is meant to be as close to being a ” defender/enabler from midlane” with an ability to shrug off some AP damage as is reasonably supportable by gameplay.”

Moreover, Phroxzon acknowledges that his current power level may be lower than desired, but contends that his identity remains intact.

“When you have galio on your team, you are meant to feel more supported/comfortable, because he could come save you/support you if you need it.”

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In response to inquiries about the prevalence of AP-focused builds, Phroxzon expressed reluctance to further reinforce the trend of burst-oriented AP champions in the game.

He emphasizes the need to preserve Galio’s thematic identity as a resilient protector, rather than conforming to the prevailing trend of high-damage mage champions.

With the champion receiving adjustments in the recent Patch 14.6, the developers are actively exploring ways to enhance his viability. However, the player community remains skeptical about the prospect of significant improvements for the character in the near future.

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Abusive Caitlyn-Titanic Hydra combo is taking over LoL solo queue Sun, 28 Jan 2024 15:59:13 +0000 In League of Legends, the advent of the 2024 season has heralded a fresh wave of strategic innovations, with AD carry seizing upon inventive approaches to gain a competitive edge.

Among the emerging tech, one particularly has captured the attention of players worldwide, centered around Caitlyn, and an unexpected item synergy involving Titanic Hydra.

Caitlyn – Titanic Hydra is taking over League of Legends

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Pioneered by the League streamer, Allen Chen, this groundbreaking Caitlyn build has sent ripples across social media platforms, with claims of its efficacy propelling players to the upper Grand Master tier.

Departing from conventional ADC itemization, the strategy initiates with Stormrazor, followed by the exotic of Titanic Hydra—a departure from the standard marksman build.

Abusive Caitlyn-Titanic Hydra combo is taking over LoL solo queue 7

The build’s progression unfolds with the acquisition of Infinity Edge, complemented by the formidable presence of Lord Dominik’s Regards, culminating in a customizable array of additional AD items tailored to individual player preferences.

Central to its potency is the use of Titanic Hydra’s active effect, used to trigger consecutive passive headshots, Caitlyn’s signature mechanic, with extreme precision.

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The pivotal moment occurs when the headshot auto-attack is either in transit or on the cusp of impact, allowing players to seamlessly unleash the devastating potential of Titanic Hydra, obliterating enemies in 1 shot. Notably, the item’s unexpected synergy has sparked fervent debate within the League community, prompting impassioned discourse regarding its impact on game balance.

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In a Twitch clip, as Nemesis’ team surges towards victory, only to be thwarted by Caitlyn’s lethal precision. In a moment of folly, Ezreal falls victim to Caitlyn’s double headshot barrage, much to the astonishment of onlookers and opponents alike.

While the efficacy of this build may vary, its allure lies in its potential to dismantle squishy targets with efficiency, particularly in the hands of mechanically players.

Despite Riot Games’ silence on the matter in the latest patch, the burgeoning popularity of the strategy signals a potential shift in the AD carry meta, prompting speculation as to whether it will garner the attention of developers in future updates.

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LoL players find out ‘insane’ 0 cooldown Master Yi build Mon, 25 Dec 2023 15:30:44 +0000 League of Legends players have stumbled upon an extraordinary build for Master Yi, granting his Q ability an unprecedented zero cooldown in the Arena game mode.

League of Legends offers an extensive collection of diverse champions, each equipped with unique abilities, playstyles, and characteristics. Arena mode introduces a fresh twist to League of Legends, featuring novel items and augmentations that significantly alter champion dynamics and itemization.

Players have been given time to explore the changes accompanying the Arena mode, and, players have unearthed a game-breaking Master Yi build that essentially renders one champion nearly impervious throughout the entire match.

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Shown by Hextech Lab, a prominent League of Legends YouTuber, the revelation centers around specific augments for Master Yi, which, when strategically combined, result in an overwhelmingly dominant gameplay experience.

The crux of this overpowering strategy revolves around Master Yi’s selection of the Mystic Punch augment. This particular augment enables the reduction of the cooldown of his Q ability with every auto-attack. What makes this combination especially potent is the fact that Master Yi’s Q also applies on-hit effects, creating synergy with the Mystic Punch augment.

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Image via Riot Games

As a consequence, players have discerned that by stacking cooldown reduction items, the Q ability effectively achieves a cooldown of zero, allowing for relentless and uninterrupted spamming.

Adding to the oppressive nature of this build, Master Yi’s Q makes him temporarily untargetable, rendering him impervious to incoming damage while dealing significant harm to enemies.

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Image via Riot Games

This newfound exploit empowers players to dismantle opposing teams without sustaining any damage, essentially securing a victory in nearly every scenario.

In summary, the emergent strategy involving Master Yi’s Mystic Punch augment, combined with judicious itemization for cooldown reduction, has disrupted the conventional balance of the game, granting players an unparalleled advantage and reshaping the Arena mode’s meta in a manner.

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League of Legends: New AP Pyke build is taking over the Korean servers Mon, 19 Jun 2023 03:52:09 +0000 Pyke was essentially played everywhere else, especially mid, when he first came out, which resulted in a number of nerfs to his different abilities, such as his E only dealing damage to champions and his ultimate no longer providing himself additional money on solo kills.

Mid-lane players, on the other hand, remain undaunted, and an uncontrolled build has evolved from Korea, in which Pyke builds Statikk Shiv and Zhonya’s in Korea high-elo. So, what exactly is going on and how does it work?

Korean AP Pyke build

Pyke as a midlaner has fallen out of favour, and he also suffers as a support player. However, in the new Korean Ap build, Pyke is played a little differently, with a same purpose.

Most players would never be able to pull off the Pyke build in question. Instead of focusing on lethality, this build focuses on crit and Ability Power.

First and foremost, there are the runes. This build uses the Sorcery Tree rather than Domination, with Arcane Comet and Scorch serving as a fixed basis and the others being replaceable.

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Image via Riot Games

Pyke can easily win early-game exchanges by poking the opposing enemies with his Q tap and dealing damage from his basic stats as well as Arcane Comet and Scorch damage.

The build begins by rushing Statikk Shiv before transitioning into Zhonya’s Hourglass. Statikk Shiv enables Pyke, a champion with an atrocious wave clear, to push waves and roam, gaining advantages elsewhere.

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Zhonya’s Hourglass, on the other hand, grants him AP scaling, which, although not present in any of his abilities, is present in Statikk Shiv, allowing him to clear out the enemy’s wave easier in 1 hit.

There is generally no rest of this build. This is a make-or-break build that will either win before you finish building your full items, or fail due to being outscaled in the late game.

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Image via Riot Games

This build demands you to employ your side laning skills granted by Statikk Shiv, necessitating a different gaming style than that of this champion being played in the mid lane. If you want to try ths build out, it is best to do so in normal rather than rank.

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Insane Veigar Auto-Attack Build Was Discovered in League Patch 13.10 Sat, 20 May 2023 14:24:03 +0000 Is this a new meta, or players are just having fun with the new items?

Recently, League of Legends received one of its largest patches of the year. The game will be completely changed by Patch 13.10 in terms of items, power spikes, and everything else.

Players may try out and test various builds using the new item modifications to discover something they like. In general, this update will provide a lot of fresh ideas to League of Legends.

Insane Veigar Auto-Attack Build Was Discovered in League Patch 13.10 14
Image via Riot Games

This process appears to have begun rather fast because a player on the PBE developed a build for Veigar that enables him to do more damage with his basic attacks than with his ultimate.

League of Legends: New Veigar build

AmateurDamager, a Reddit user, wrote about this intriguing build on the League of Legends Reddit forum. He asserts that using the following build for Veigar will result in more damage output if more auto-attacks are performed.

According to the post, Lich Bane -> Rabadon’s Deathcap -> Statikk Shiv -> Stormrazor is the basic item build. While a Mythic is still possible, you are definitely looking for better attack speed if you want to use the Statikk Shiv and Stormrazor combination.

league of legends
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To put it simply, the goal is to do damage by casting spells and utilising as many Spellblade and auto-attack procs as you can. However, as several Reddit users noted, there are significant issues with this approach.

Veigar can choose to use a crazy build, however it often does not do a lot of damage to all champions. His abilities inflict somewhat less damage overall because to this build’s lack of penetration. Veigar is employed as a burst mage, therefore you won’t use auto attacks very often.

Innovation is always a good idea, and we could see this applied to ARAMs more so than to Summoner’s Rift. Veigar won’t likely have time to use auto attacks to deal that much damage because Summoner’s Rift leaves a lot of open space.

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Nautilus Mid is taking over the MSI 2023 meta, and here’s why Wed, 17 May 2023 17:04:41 +0000 The meta in League of Legends normally stays the same from season to season, and this season’s focus has been on tanks. But, even at the MSI 2023, one tank is doing better in the mid lane than as a support: Nautilus.

At MSI 2023, Nautilus has an 80% win rate in the mid lane and a 33.3% win rate as a support. While the win rate aren’t as extensive, Nautilus mid has a greater win rate in both ranked League and professional games.

Why Nautilus Mid is so strong?

Nautilus Mid is taking over the MSI 2023 meta, and here’s why 15
Image via Riot Games

Before we can comprehend why Nautilus mid is so powerful, we must first grasp when he should be used as a midlaner.

During the MSI, the champion was frequently the team’s lone tank, especially when paired with champions like Janna, Jinx, Lulu, or Lucian. The selection fared well against champions like Ahri and Lissandra. If there were other tanks or health-heavy champions, Nautilus would be the one to engage.

Nautilus Mid is taking over the MSI 2023 meta, and here’s why 16
Image via Riot Games

Nautilus mid can adjust and be whatever the team needs, based on equipment and summoner spells, with his kit giving strong crowd-control, engage, and front-line tanking.

While AD champs are more than viable with Nautilus mid, his tendency to rush Abyssal Mask makes him an excellent counter for AP junglers like as Lillia, Nidalee, and Diana. It also implies that he shines against AP mid laners, yet he may also be effective against AD burst assassins.

Your aim with this champion is to push your squad ahead as the first priority. Because Nautilus has such a great wave clear after gaining points in his E, the ability you max first, an aggressive playstyle is required to win with this selection. Once you’ve passed the first few levels, you’ll want to push the wave out and rotate whenever possible to support your other lanes.

Because of his high CC and basic damage, he has intrinsically excellent skirmish potential, thus having him along to assist on invades and dives is a huge asset for any team.

Nautilus Mid is taking over the MSI 2023 meta, and here’s why 17

League players who choose Nautilus mid require the summoner spells Teleport and Flash, as well as the two key items Radiant Virtue and Abyssal Mask. However, it is dependent on your needs when it comes to boots. Other items like as Thornmail and Sunfire Aegis should be great follow-ups.

Nautilus Mid is taking over the MSI 2023 meta, and here’s why 18

With a few important changes, runes are quite similar to playing Nautilus in support. The Resolve tree is nearly identical to a typical support rune page, with Aftershock serving as the pivot. This rune’s damage mitigation is vital for close-combat, and the tiny amount of additional damage isn’t too awful either. Shield Bash is an excellent pick because of his W, Second Wind helps against poke, and Overgrowth’s extra HP is decent to have.

There you have it, now you know why Nautilus is so strong as a midlaner in the current meta. Maybe after reading this, you can try out in your solo queue games to see if that’s true.

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Here’s the best Senna Support build after Patch 12.10 updates Mon, 30 May 2022 03:06:37 +0000
Here's the best Senna Support build after Patch 12.10 updates 19

Apparently, Senna is pretty broken in the current meta

After MSI 2022, Riot Games chose to stir up the game with their massive Durability Updates in Patch 12.10, which featured an update that gave every champion greater defensive stats. Since the fights are longer, some scaling champions become overpowered, and Senna is one of them.

Senna has swung between the ADC and support positions as a support marksman with the ability to heal and has virtually always been a prominent pick of these metas since her debut. Despite receiving multiple nerfs over the last three years, she still has a strong player base and is growing in popularity.

Here's the best Senna Support build after Patch 12.10 updates 20
Tier OP champion

Even after her base health and Passive damage nerfs in Patch 12.10b, Senna is still at the top of the support leaderboards with insane pick, ban and win rate, according to OP.GG. Though the champion has many counters, her ability to gather souls in late games gives her one of the best climbing choices for solo queue players.

Here’s the best way to build her.

Core items

Umbral Glaive: Senna’s pick rates have risen as a result of recent Umbral Glaive buffs. This item enables champions to detect and one-shot nearly all forms of wards and trinkets. It also gives the player a lot of lethality, providing Senna more strength in her already powerful late-game kit. This item should be her first priority.

Eclipse: Senna’s go-to Mythic item right now is Eclipse since the item synergizes well with Umbral Glaive in giving her lethality. The movement speed and shield it offers should ensure her to chase down enemies while also not be killed so easily.

Rapid Firecannon: Senna’s attack range increases exponentially with her passive when gathering souls. Players can pick up Rapid Firecannon as a third finished item because she already has enough damage, giving her increased range and attack speed should be more sufficient.

Boots can be picked depending on the situation: Boots of Swiftness are recommended most of the time

Other options: Kraken Slayer, Mortal Reminder, Muramana, Edge of Night, The Collector

Runes and Keystone

Here's the best Senna Support build after Patch 12.10 updates 21

Precision: Fleet Footwork – Presence of Mind – Legend: Alacrity – Cut Down

Fleet Footwork rewards her harassment and mobility with a burst of movement speed and a large heal, and it should be used frequently while in lane.

Presence of Mind will grant her some mana regeneration for poking in lane and some mana back for assisting in the defeat of opponents.

Inspiration: Biscuits Delivery – Approach Velocity

Biscuit Delivery, like Presence of Mind, provides Senna with another way to control her mana consumption. Using it will also slightly heal some of Senna’s health and increase her mana cap by 50 each.

Senna’s basic attacks slow down enemies, allowing her to quickly earn a soul stack for herself. Because of the enhanced movement speed near movement-impaired opponents, Approach Velocity will make stacking her passive much simpler.

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Image via Riot Games
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Why Zeri players are building TriForce, Cleaver, and Hydra Sat, 29 Jan 2022 09:39:37 +0000 Following the official debut of patch 12.2, the most talked-about topic was undoubtedly the new champion Zeri. Over the course of her first weekend, Zeri’s growth has been swift and wild, with players scrambling to figure out how to effectively use the 158th champion’s unique kit.

Many have tried with various sorts of up with this champion because of a variety of mobility, skills, and flexible gameplay. Professional players, in particular, have chosen a unique build for Zeri that combines Trinity Force, Runaan’s Hurricane, Black Cleaver, and Titanic Hydra. But, given that just one of those things is designed for marksmen, why is this a strong build for her?

Why Zeri players are building TriForce, Cleaver, and Hydra 23

Zeri’s build with Trinity Force

Since her main damage is a medium-range straight line skillshot, making her range shorter than it appears when her enemies are constantly trying to approach her.  As a result, she won’t get nearly as much use out of building items as a regular ADC.

The Trinity Force, Runaan’s Hurricane, and Titanic Hydra trifecta allow Zeri to deal a lot of area of effect damage, and it synergizes amazingly well with her ultimate, which gives her more AOE and movement speed, along with making her a little tankier when she gets up close.

For Zeri, the Triforce is a fantastic item. It provides her with AD, attack speed, movement speed, and the ability haste that she needs. In addition, Zeri’s basic AD is increased by 30% in a battle when she uses Trinity Force’s passive, which grants her movement speed on every strike she makes.

But it doesn’t end there.  When players add a Runaan’s Hurricane, they gain not just some attack speed, but also an extra 7% movement speed. The two bolts that Hurricane provides for basic attacks are the genuine deal. These bolts inflict 40% of her physical damage to surrounding targets, and they benefit from Triforce’s enhanced base AD as well.

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Sadly, the recent micropatch nerf towards Zeri deleted her ultimate interaction with Hurricane, making the chain lightning no longer an on-hit effect. Still, Hurricane is one extremely strong item on her when combine with other items like Titanic Hydra.

Those two bolts also work extremely well with Titanic Hydra, which adds massive explosions behind her autos. Those explosions inflict a significant amount of damage on any unit in the area of her target. The first Titanic Cone explodes as her auto strikes, and two bolts fly. When the bolts strike, two additional cones form, inflicting three instances to the distant enemy.

Why Zeri players are building TriForce, Cleaver, and Hydra 25

It’s worth noting that if you have Black Cleaver, 1 Q can immediately trigger all 6 continuous armor-piercing stacks from this item. Of course, the armor penetration index isn’t suited for Zeri, but the Black Cleaver’s ability to reduce armor straight from the target is a different thing. Because of the interaction, it will assist Zeri and her teammates in defeating their opponents, especially tanky ones easier.

All in all, Zeri is extremely strong at the moment as she is having the highest win rate among all the marksmen in the game, according to OP.GG. The key issue is whether Riot Games will continue to let Zeri use the build or whether some of the items in her kit will be changed.

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Vayne Draktharr’s Duskblade becomes the newest trend of League Patch 11.16 Tue, 24 Aug 2021 07:58:41 +0000 You can now stay invincible forever with tons of burst damage running this newest build for Vayne in League Patch 11.16.

Gets bored with your standard build for Vayne? Turn her into an assassin running the newest trend that has been dominating in the League’s queue recently.

Vayne Assassin will be a very annoying pick for your opponents, elevating the attack potential of the entire team with unexpected moments that make it impossible for the enemy to catch up. Vayne will entirely hide from opponent sight during combat if the player’s timing and timing are perfect.

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Vayne Draktharr's Duskblade becomes the newest trend of League Patch 11.16 26
The unique Runes build for Draktharr Vayne

With Hail of Blades, Vayne’s attack speed is significantly enhanced – 110 percent attack speed after every three attacks – and also momentarily helps to exceed the attack speed limit, providing her an edge in attack speed throughout the game.

Sudden Impact substantially boosts the efficiency of Q – Tumble; whenever Vayne exits stealth or glides, leaps, or dashes, she receives 7 additional damage for 5 seconds, while the cooldown for her passive during combat is 4.

The combination of Ultimate Hunter and Transcendence significantly decreases the cooldown of ultimate in particular and all talents in general, making Vayne more agile and capable of successfully dodging or chasing opponents.


The Duskblade of Draktharr is the most essential piece of item for this build. This mythic item greatly enhances physical damage – 65 (+25 percent AD) and 18 lethality. At the same time, you will receive 1.5 seconds of invisibility for every opponent you kill within 3 seconds of inflicting damage.

Essence Reaver will also stack acrobatic’s damage and recover a massive amount of mana, allowing you to utilize various abilities continuously. Furthermore, the attack speed and cooldown of Navori Quickblades, as well as the lifesteal from Blade of the Ruined King, are critical in the laning phase. Depending on the matchups, players can pick their items accordingly.

Vayne Draktharr's Duskblade becomes the newest trend of League Patch 11.16 27
Image via Riot Games

Unlike Vayne’s traditional style, this will optimize her mobility with Tumble and ultimately Silver Bolts. As previously said, Essence Reaver and Tumble offer a significant amount of damage, but taking out tank champions will be difficult in the early stages. The Night Hunter will get stronger in the early game if she builds in this style, but she will also have to worry if she’s still a champion with a strong tendency toward the late game and required much practice in order to play her effectively.

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