LoL players regret climbing to higher ranks because of toxicity

League of Legends is known for its tough crowd, especially in the higher ranks where players demand a lot from their teammates.

Recently, one player shared their tough journey to Diamond rank on the League subreddit. They said they spent a lot of time playing the game to reach this high level. But once they got there, they found it was filled with tololxic teammates.

A LoL player regrets getting better

The user, named Lucia_LA, used to play in Gold rank where people were more relaxed, and troublemakers were rare. But as they climbed higher, they noticed more players ruining the game on purpose. If someone made a mistake or got upset, they’d sabotage the match.

“It’s funny because everyone thinks as your rank goes up, the game quality goes up. Makes sense, right? In reality, as rank goes up, the fragility of your teammates ego goes up.”

Image via Riot Games

It’s no secret that players in high ranks can be very full of themselves. At every level, League players are known for being critical, but those in the top ranks are even quicker to judge because they expect everyone to perform at a high level. Only about 5% of League users are Diamond or higher, according to League of Graphs.

“Gold was my peak of league fun. Low Diamond is only suffering, i’m tired boss”

Image via Riot Games

One commenter in the Reddit thread mentioned that in Master-GM ranks, everyone thinks they’re as good as the legendary Faker. If someone makes a mistake, they’re bombarded with criticism. People might even give up on the game if they think someone isn’t playing perfectly.

Most players in the thread agreed that lower-ranked are more humble because they know they’re not the best. But higher-ranked players might have a big ego after putting in so much time and effort to get there.

Image via Riot Games

While there’s no exact number of games it takes to reach Diamond, it’s safe to say that anyone who gets there has spent a lot of time playing. They don’t want their hard work wasted by teammates who aren’t playing their best.