Riot Games – LoL’s new Jungle camp was supposed to be a ‘Cat Cult’??

Developers on the ‘Cat Cult’ of the jungle Baron’s revamp

Embarking on the 2024 season of League of Legends, the developers at Riot Games have unveiled a fascinating glimpse into the game’s jungle camps. Riot Phlox unfolds in a detailed dev blog, shedding light on the creative process that shaped the upcoming changes to the jungle.

Image via Riot Games

An intriguing revelation emerges from the development, as it is disclosed that the newest jungle camp almost took the form of a cult of cats. This whimsical concept, however, underwent a transformation during the creative journey and was ultimately replaced by the Voidmites, the mystical entities set to make their debut in the jungle.

In the early stages of development, the jungle camp’s potential narrative veered towards a congregation of feline enthusiasts, absorbing the power of Baron. Picture the Baron pit teeming with cats, and the narrative twist involving a cult of Whiskers from Teamfight Tactics taking for Baron’s entrapment. The whimsy and charm of such a scenario undoubtedly added a unique flavor to the development process.

“To add some variety, we tried out a new style of objective: a cat cult made up of Whisker Little Legends. This was a pile (clowder? cluster? colony?) of cats that spawned in threes every minute, slowly filling up the Baron pit.”

Riot Phlox takes readers through the fascinating trajectory of the team’s creative brainstorming, outlining the initial concept, subsequent testing phases, and the gradual evolution of the idea. Throughout this journey, the Whiskers remained a consistent element in the team’s vision, contributing to the overall tapestry of possibilities for the new jungle camp.

Image via Riot Games

However, as the creative process unfolded, the cult of cats eventually relinquished its role as the final design, making way for the introduction of the Voidmites. While the Voidmites bring their own mystique to the jungle, the included images in the dev blog offer a glimpse into the imaginative realm of what might have been—a Baron pit dominated by a quirky cult of cats.

Image via Riot Games

This behind-the-scenes revelation not only underscores the dynamic nature of game development but also invites players to appreciate the intricate decisions and creative explorations that shape the gaming experience.