Rumors of Faker’s 18 million dollar contract with LPL – Faker himself responded

Faker is surrounded by rumors regarding potential recruitment by LPL teams. Presently, his contract with T1 is structured as a one-year deal, extendable by mutual agreement, devoid of additional perks for both T1 and Faker.

This contract type is common in sports, particularly for veteran players, mitigating issues such as injuries or waning motivation that may arise during the contract period.

Faker talked about T1 and rumors about LPL contract

When Faker’s contract nears expiration, the LPL has historically shown great interest. His renown and influence could undoubtedly elevate the LPL, but the challenge lies in identifying a team capable of affording him.

This task is complicated given the T1 mid laner’s high salary and numerous advertising contracts. However, reports suggest that certain LPL teams have offered contracts surpassing those of many athletes in traditional sports.

Faker recently addressed these rumors on the You Quiz On The Block program, he admitted:

“My goal has always been continuous learning and titles, not money and fame. Not to mention that T1 treats me very well, I’m pretty good here so I don’t think there’s any reason to leave. As for that (it was reported that LPL offered Faker a contract of up to 24 billion won), the actual number is not like that, there will be a difference and it is just speculation.”

He acknowledges that his primary focus is on learning and achieving titles, not financial gain or fame. He emphasized T1’s excellent treatment and his satisfaction with the team, stating there’s no reason to leave. Regarding reported LPL contract offers, he clarified that the actual figures differ, and such claims are speculative.

Furthermore, Faker disclosed that T1’s prize money for winning the Worlds 2023 championship is approximately 1 billion won (around $770,000). This significant amount serves as a motivating factor, especially after a challenging year filled with ups and downs.

With the incentives provided by T1 and the opportunity to contend for titles alongside his young, promising teammates, it appears highly unlikely that Faker would consider moving to another team, let alone a different region. This underscores the increasing focus on Esports players, contributing to the development of aspiring young players in the industry.