League of Legends: This champion is still dominating the Iron rank

Iron is a fascinating rank in League of Legends, where unconventional champions often dominate the meta, and, the current patch is no exception.

Yorick has been the strongest top lane champion for the last 5 patches

For at least the last 5 patches, Yorick has maintained his position at the top of Iron’s standings in the top lane. As of this writing, Yorick boasts an astounding 55.23% win rate in Patch 14.13, according to the League stats site U.GG.

Image via Riot Games

Not only does Yorick have an impressive win rate, but he also has a notable pick rate. He has been selected in 6.3% of Iron matches. Additionally, Yorick is frequently banned, appearing in the ban list for 11.2% of games. This indicates that players recognize his power and are wary of facing him.

While Yorick may not be the best champion to pick for high-ranked or competitive players due to his easy counterability, this has not hindered his dominance in the lowest rank.

Image via Riot Games

Yorick’s success in low ranks is likely attributed to his unique abilities, which allow players to overwhelm their opponent in the top lane with his ghouls. When low-ranked top laners are forced to handle not only Yorick but also his ghouls, minions, and potential jungle pressure, they often struggle to survive the laning phase. If Yorick gains an early advantage, he can quickly become an unstoppable bruiser.

For those struggling against Yorick, it is recommended to choose champions like Tryndamere, Urgot, or Trundle. These champions can make trading with Yorick more manageable, and with proper play, you should be able to counter and defeat him in one-on-one situations.