bug – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News https://notagamer.net The world's largest esports and influencer news site. Sun, 21 Jul 2024 14:27:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.15 https://notagamer.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/cropped-logo2-75x75.png bug – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News https://notagamer.net 32 32 172255210 League of Legends: Weird bug that turns Melee champions into Ranged carry https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-bug-melee-champions-ranged-carry/ https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-bug-melee-champions-ranged-carry/#respond Sun, 21 Jul 2024 14:26:59 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=76474 In League of Legends patch 14.14, a peculiar bug emerged, causing champions with jump abilities and attack buffs to appear as if they had extended attack range when striking towers.
League of Legends: Weird bug that turns Melee champions into Ranged carry 1
Image via Riot Games

League of Legends is no stranger to bugs, both big and small, and these glitches tend to surface especially with the release of new updates or champions. Recently, following the 14.14 update, the community discovered an amusing yet problematic bug.

For reasons not entirely understood, champions utilizing abilities like Ekko, Illao, and certain aspects of Rengar while targeting enemy structures such as Inhibitors or the Nexus, fail to execute their leap. Instead, these champions appear to attack from an extended range, resembling ranged champions.

This bug was thoroughly investigated and confirmed by Vandiril, a prominent content creator known for testing and showcasing it. He conducted an experiment with Ivern and Rengar, revealing that Rengar, even without using his ultimate, could attack the Nexus from within a brush, bypassing the usual melee range restrictions.

The extent of this bug’s impact is still uncertain. It’s unclear whether it affects only Ekko, Illaoi, and Rengar or if it applies to all champions with jump abilities and attack buffs. Nevertheless, this glitch provides significant advantages to these melee champions during late-game fights, allowing them to safely attack structures from a distance, much like ranged champions.

Rengar Ult updates
Image via Riot Games

However, exploiting this bug requires the enemy to be pushed back to their Nexus turrets, limiting its impact in the early to mid-game stages. Thus, while it presents a notable advantage in certain situations, it doesn’t offer an overwhelming benefit for consistent rank climbing. Despite this, it is significant enough that Riot Games will need to address it promptly to maintain game balance and fairness.

League of Legends: Weird bug that turns Melee champions into Ranged carry 2
Image via Riot Games

In summary, this bug, although humorous at first glance, creates an unfair advantage for specific champions when attacking key enemy structures. Riot Games will likely prioritize a fix to ensure the gameplay consistency.

https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-bug-melee-champions-ranged-carry/feed/ 0 76474
League of Legends Bug that gives players fewer experience https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-bug-fewer-experience/ https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-bug-fewer-experience/#respond Fri, 19 Apr 2024 16:43:01 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=73057 A recently discovered bug within the latest update of League of Legends has sent shockwaves through the player community, as it significantly disrupts the experience gain.

According to a recent Reddit post, players have found themselves receiving notably reduced experience, catching the immediate attention of the game’s developers.

This newfound issue arises when players mistakenly purchase and subsequently refund a jungle item, triggering an unexpected debuff that lower the experience garnered from lane minions. Such a setback fundamentally alters gameplay dynamics, placing affected individuals at a considerable disadvantage for the duration of the match.

Interestingly, this bug appears to exclusively affect a specific set of players who opt to take the summoner spell Smite while occupying roles outside the traditional jungle position. While this may limit the bug’s impact to a niche segment of the player base, its severity has nonetheless prompted swift action from Riot Games.

Image via Riot Games

Acknowledging the community uproar, Riot Norak has responded to related Reddit threads, soliciting replays and ensuring investigation into the matter. This outreach has prompted an influx of testimonials from affected players.

Reports indicate that players who inadvertently bought and refunded the jungle item found themselves permanently afflicted with lower minion experience. This unintended consequence is speculated to stem from Riot’s adjustments to minion experience distribution for jungle roles, affecting players who unwittingly interacted with the item.

Even after attempting to rectify the situation through item refunds, the debuff persisted, effectively condemning affected players to a game-long handicap. However, with Riot’s active engagement and commitment to resolving the issue, a resolution is anticipated in the near future.

League of Legends Bug that gives players fewer experience 3
Image via Riot Games

It is widely anticipated that the forthcoming Patch 14.9, slated for release on May 1, 2024, will include a fix for this disruptive bug, restoring balance to the game’s experience mechanics.

https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-bug-fewer-experience/feed/ 0 73057
LoL players called out Bug that One-shot you when leveling up https://notagamer.net/lol-players-bug-one-shot-levelling-up/ https://notagamer.net/lol-players-bug-one-shot-levelling-up/#respond Wed, 14 Feb 2024 11:00:33 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=70345 In League of Legends, players have stumbled upon a critical bug that poses a dire threat to the champion known as Kled.

Despite the game’s extensive development spanning over a decade, it remains susceptible to occasional bugs and technical glitches, a testament to the complexity of its aging engine.

While minor bugs are commonplace in the ever-expanding roster of League, none have quite matched the severity of the recent afflicting Kled. In a bizarre twist of fate, Kled faces the perilous prospect of losing all health upon leveling up, abruptly dismounting and plummeting to a precarious 1 health point.

LoL players called out Bug that One-shot you when leveling up 4
Image via Riot Games

This vulnerability renders Kled exceedingly susceptible to any incoming damage, including the slightest tap from a lowly minion, spelling almost instantaneous demise.

This situation is compounded by the involuntary nature of leveling up, which occurs naturally as foes fall in battle. Thus, Kled players find themselves thrust into situations during laning phases, as the sudden depletion of health leaves them dangerously exposed to enemy aggression.

LoL players called out Bug that One-shot you when leveling up 5
Image via Riot Games

As shown by YouTuber Vandiril, the phenomenon unfolds with unsettling regularity, casting uncertainty over the gameplay experience. While URF mode may beckon with its promise of frenetic action and unrestrained chaos, Kled serves as a cautionary tale for players navigating the whimsical realm of Runeterra.

Alarming as it may be, reports suggest that this catastrophic bug is currently confined to the confines of the limited-time URF mode, renowned for its lighthearted, albeit competitive, atmosphere. Nevertheless, the widespread occurrence of this bug among Kled players underscores the urgency of avoiding the champion until a resolution is reached.

Image via Riot Games

In light of these developments, players are advised to make caution when selecting their champions, lest they fall victim to the unforgiving clutches of this nefarious bug.

https://notagamer.net/lol-players-bug-one-shot-levelling-up/feed/ 0 70345
Elder Dragon has been bugged since Patch 14.2 and no one is talking about it https://notagamer.net/elder-dragon-bugged-patch-14-2/ https://notagamer.net/elder-dragon-bugged-patch-14-2/#respond Tue, 06 Feb 2024 18:15:57 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=69945 Elder Dragon has had some huge bugs since Patch 14.2
Image via Riot Games

League of Legends boasts a sprawling player base and a dynamic gaming environment. Yet, like any complex system, it’s not immune to occasional bugs. Despite the developers’ best efforts to quash these issues with patches, the cycle of fix-and-break persists, especially during the rollout of new seasons.

The advent of Season 14 heralded a plethora of exciting changes: fresh items, revamped jungle camps, and map alterations aimed at injecting renewed excitement into the game. However, amidst the anticipation and exploration of these updates, players have stumbled upon what appears to be a troubling bug concerning the Elder Dragon since the introduction of Patch 14.2.


The player base has become convinced that the Elder Dragon’s mechanics have been compromised. Traditionally, after a team secures four dragons and claims the dragon soul, the Elder Dragon is expected to spawn after 6 minutes.

However, reports have surfaced indicating that the Elder Dragon is now emerging a full minute earlier, spawning after only 5 minutes.

This concern gained traction as players took to forums and social media platforms to voice their concerns. One player’s initial suspicion prompted others to corroborate the anomaly, lending weight to the assertion that something indeed seemed amiss within the game’s mechanics.

Intriguingly, testing conducted by players confirmed the discrepancy. According to in-game tooltips and evidence, the Elder Dragon is indeed spawning prematurely, aligning with the altered five-minute interval following the acquisition of the dragon soul.

Curiously, amidst the community, there appears to be no explicit mention of this adjustment in the official patch notes, further fueling speculation and raising questions about transparency in communication between developers and players.

Elder Dragon has been bugged since Patch 14.2 and no one is talking about it 6
Image via Riot Games

As discussions surrounding the Elder Dragon bug continue to unfold, players find themselves navigating an uncertain landscape where the line between intended changes and unintended.

https://notagamer.net/elder-dragon-bugged-patch-14-2/feed/ 0 69945
Smolder can now ‘disconnect’ the entire enemy teams with this interaction https://notagamer.net/smolder-disconnect-enemy-teams/ https://notagamer.net/smolder-disconnect-enemy-teams/#respond Mon, 05 Feb 2024 10:18:00 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=69895 The introduction of Smolder, League of Legends’ latest champion, has sparked both intrigue and controversy within the community.

However, despite the efforts to enhance his appeal, its gameplay reception has been mixed. Early statistics reveal lackluster win rates, suggesting a steep learning curve for players as they grapple with understanding the champion’s mechanics.

Some players even argue that the champion’s playstyle diverges significantly from traditional roles, further complicating its integration into team compositions.

Smolder’s bug that disconnects the entire enemy team

Image via Riot Games

Yet, amid the uncertainty surrounding his performance, a significant bug has emerged, casting a shadow over its release. Reports have surfaced detailing a critical issue wherein encounters involving the champion and teams with the Elder Dragon buff result in mass disconnections among the opposing players.

The bug appears to trigger when Smolder executes its ultimate ability during teamfights, making enemy champions freezed and causing them to disconnect.

Evidence captured in Reddit clips depicts unsettling scenes where entire enemy teams disconnect mid-game, effectively handing Smolder players undeserved victories. While reports of disconnections have circulated in recent matches, the correlation between his presence and the frequency of disconnects raises suspicions of a systemic issue linked to the champion’s abilities.

Image via Riot Games

As the community grapples with the ramifications of Smolder’s unintended impact on gameplay, concerns mount regarding the integrity of competitive matches and player experiences.

The prevalence of disconnection incidents, particularly in conjunction with the interactions with the Elder Dragon buff, underscores the urgency for Riot Games to address and rectify the underlying technical issues plaguing the game’s stability.

Image via Riot Games

In light of these developments, the trajectory of Smolder’s reception remains uncertain, with its potential overshadowed by the disruptive effects of unresolved bugs.

https://notagamer.net/smolder-disconnect-enemy-teams/feed/ 0 69895
LoL micropatch addressed Graves, Karthus, and Twisted Fate with hotfixes https://notagamer.net/lol-micropatch-graves-karthus-twisted-fate-hotfixes/ https://notagamer.net/lol-micropatch-graves-karthus-twisted-fate-hotfixes/#respond Thu, 25 Jan 2024 08:27:04 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=69487 In anticipation of the second major League of Legends patch of the year, patch 14.2, Riot Games proactively addressed critical issues plaguing 3 champions—Karthus, Graves, and Twisted Fate—through a micropatch.

While the regular cadence of patches typically resolves most issues in the game, these particular bugs demanded immediate attention from the developers to maintain the integrity of gameplay.

League Patch 14.2 micropatch

  • TF: Red Card didn’t slow the primary target
  • Karthus: Weirdness with Wall of Pain resists
  • Unflinching: Weird interactions with Graves’s Smoke Screen that gave people infinite stats
LoL micropatch addressed Graves, Karthus, and Twisted Fate with hotfixes 7
Image via Riot Games

One of the identified issues pertained to Karthus and his W ability, Wall of Pain. An unintended interaction occurred when enemy players traversed through the wall, resulting in an abrupt and excessive increase in magic resist for the affected champions. This unintended behavior not only disrupted the balance of engagements but also nullified Karthus’s ability to inflict further damage on those affected.

Similarly, Graves faced a critical bug related to his W ability, Smoke Screen. This ability, designed to reduce the visibility of enemies, inadvertently provided an unintended near-infinite stat boost to players walking through the smoke.

LoL micropatch addressed Graves, Karthus, and Twisted Fate with hotfixes 8
Image via Riot Games

Intriguingly, this exploit only manifested when players with the Unflinching rune entered the Smoke Screen, turning what was meant to be a powerful debuff into a game-changing buff. This interaction significantly compromised Graves’ strategic plans and gameplay effectiveness.

Twisted Fate, the third champion, encountered a specific issue with his W ability, Red Card. Prior to the fix, the ability failed to apply its intended slow effect to the primary target, affecting only those in the immediate vicinity.

LoL micropatch addressed Graves, Karthus, and Twisted Fate with hotfixes 9
Image via Riot Games

This prompted Riot Games to swiftly implement a fix, ensuring that Twisted Fate’s Red Card now functions as intended, maintaining the balance of his abilities in the game. Notably, Twisted Fate has been a topic of extensive discussion within the League community due to ongoing changes tested on the PBE aimed at enhancing his critical strike build.

In conclusion, the developers’ proactive approach in deploying a micropatch ahead of the scheduled major patch reflects their commitment to addressing critical issues that could significantly impact the game’s balance.

https://notagamer.net/lol-micropatch-graves-karthus-twisted-fate-hotfixes/feed/ 0 69487
Riot Games ‘accidentally’ makes Aatrox worse by buffing him https://notagamer.net/riot-games-makes-aatrox-worse-by-buffing-him/ https://notagamer.net/riot-games-makes-aatrox-worse-by-buffing-him/#respond Sat, 20 Jan 2024 03:07:14 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=69312 The recent buffs to Aatrox in League of Legends, aimed at enhancing the top laner’s performance, have unintentionally led to a critical issue involving his most vital ability, The Darkin Blade.

Riot Games, in its ongoing efforts to maintain a dynamic and engaging gaming environment, frequently introduces patches that can significantly impact the meta and gameplay.

Despite the constant evolution of the game, certain champions can sometimes be overlooked or experience bugs, especially if they aren’t among the player community’s most favored choices.

Image via Riot Games

A notable exception to this is Aatrox, a champion enjoying substantial popularity. However, the recent buff intended to improve Aatrox’s passive, Deathbringer Stance, has inadvertently given rise to a troubling bug.

As demonstrated by League of Legends content creator Vandiril, the change to Aatrox’s passive on the PBE prevents its cancellation, providing a quality-of-life improvement to the ability.

Regrettably, this seemingly positive adjustment has introduced a more significant problem. When Aatrox uses his Q ability immediately following his passive, the Q fails to deal damage on any enemies.

Riot Games 'accidentally' makes Aatrox worse by buffing him 10
Image via Riot Games

This bug significantly impacts Aatrox’s gameplay, especially considering that his Q is a fundamental source of damage, and it disrupts the fluidity of his combos. Players are now forced to wait for the complete animation of his passive before launching the next attack, resulting in a slower and less effective combat experience.

Riot Games 'accidentally' makes Aatrox worse by buffing him 11
Image via Riot Games

As of now, this bug is limited to the PBE, suggesting that Riot Games may address and rectify the issue before the changes hit the live servers.

https://notagamer.net/riot-games-makes-aatrox-worse-by-buffing-him/feed/ 0 69312
$200 Jhin gacha skin can be obtained through LoL regular chest and here’s how https://notagamer.net/200-jhin-gacha-skin-lol-regular-chest/ https://notagamer.net/200-jhin-gacha-skin-lol-regular-chest/#respond Thu, 21 Sep 2023 02:47:45 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=65185 Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin, that skin that seemed more like an upgraded chroma and was initially only accessible by opening Cosmic 2023 Capsules, which could be up to 200$ to own. Well, it turns out there’s another way to obtain it without breaking the bank.

Until September 18, it was widely believed that this gacha Jhin skin could exclusively be obtained from Cosmic 2023 Capsules. However, League of Legends streamer and content creator I Keep It Taco has debunked this notion.

Bug that allows you to get Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin through Hextech chest

$200 Jhin gacha skin can be obtained through LoL regular chest and here’s how 12

There’s a bug that allows you to unlock Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin ($200) with regular Hextech Chest and Keys. If you’ve been saving them for years, abuse it.”

Apparently, there’s a glitch that allows you to acquire this Mythic Variant skin using a regular Hextech Chest and some keys.

Unfortunately, the odds of getting it this way are not in your favor, and the drop rate is exceptionally low. I Keep It Taco, a dedicated Jhin player, had only a 0.0003% chance of getting Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin. Even after opening over 600 chests and more than 50 orbs, he still didn’t get it.

$200 Jhin gacha skin can be obtained through LoL regular chest and here’s how 13
Image via Riot Games

“Someone did the math and the chances of me getting it in the hextech chest are 0.0003%. I opened 600+ boxes and 50+ orbs. We couldn’t open 1000+ cause we ran out of chest so we got more keys for next year when we get more boxes. WE TRY AGAIN NEXT YEAR”

When questioned about this bug by MattyLoveGaming, I Keep It Taco mentioned that Riot had made an error, which is why you won’t find this skin in the regular Hextech Chest loot pool.

Image via Riot Games

If you’re hoping to obtain this skin through Hextech chests, it’s advisable to open as many as you have, especially if you’ve been saving them for a special occasion. However, the chances of obtaining it through rerolls are next to impossible.

Sadly, according to the content creator’s post, this interaction has already ended in 19 September. So, your best bet is to focus on opening Hextech chests and hope for some luck for the next year occasion.

However, if you prefer not to exploit glitches, you can still obtain Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin by opening the limited-time-only capsules. But act quickly, as the event is coming to an end with the arrival of patch 13.19 on September 27.

https://notagamer.net/200-jhin-gacha-skin-lol-regular-chest/feed/ 0 65185
Recent LoL PBE addressed Briar minor changes, along with bizarre bugs and interactions https://notagamer.net/lol-pbe-briar-changes-bugs-interactions/ https://notagamer.net/lol-pbe-briar-changes-bugs-interactions/#respond Fri, 08 Sep 2023 07:28:20 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=64711 Briar, League of Legends’ upcoming champion, may need to need some fine tune before going live

Since her introduction on the League PBE earlier, the champion has been completely ‘fine’, and the community has been making sure Riot is aware of all of her unusual interactions with pre-existing features.

Recent LoL PBE addressed Briar minor changes, along with bizarre bugs and interactions 14
Screenshot via Riot Games

Briar changes on PBE to address bugs

Briar will get a round of adjustments, updates, and bug fixes that address certain known difficulties that the champion is encountering on the PBE, according to a tweet sent earlier today by League dev and Briar champion designer August Browning.

The first modification she’s getting is a patch that will allow her to obtain more healing from health regen items (like potions) while she’s low on health. Briar is the only champion in the game that does not have a basic health regen, and all of her abilities require health to perform, therefore this patch is obviously needed.

Furthermore, her W, Blood Frenzy, will now prioritise huge jungle monsters over tiny ones, making camps like Raptors and Krugs more effective.

Image via Riot Games

The major change for Briar in these rounds of PBE updates is the how her ultimate wipes CC. Her ult, Certain Death, fires a long-range missile at an opponent champion, which Briar then flies to.

According to League content creator Vandiril, he provided us with a demonstration video of Briar’s wonky interaction with Mord. While the missile will clear her of any CC, it is not intended to cleanse Mordekaiser’s ult, Realm of Death. This bug was reported early today, prompting a rapid reaction from League developers.

Briar is currently slated to arrive on live servers with Patch 13.18, which is set to release on September 13.

https://notagamer.net/lol-pbe-briar-changes-bugs-interactions/feed/ 0 64711
Due to bugs, League of Legends Worlds 2023 qualifier match had to be remade https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-worlds-2023-match-remade-bug/ https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-worlds-2023-match-remade-bug/#respond Mon, 14 Aug 2023 07:10:53 +0000 https://notagamer.net/?p=63801 After a bug resulted in a disadvantage to one of the players in Worlds 2023 qualifying match between Team Liquid and Golden Guardians, LCS was compelled to remake the match

Team Liquid and Golden Guardians faced off in the LCS’s Lower Bracket semifinal match on August 13. Which team would receive a straight ticket to Worlds 2023 and which would have to compete in another qualification in order to attend it will depend on the outcome of this match.

The first two games of the series were won by Team Liquid, and it appeared TL would quickly win the series. But Golden Guardians made a comeback attempt by winning games three and four.

GG Huhi took Unsealed Spellbook and switched to Teleport. The Teleport summoner spell switched to Unleashed Teleport which caused Huhi to permanently have Teleport instead of his original summoner spells.”

The fifth game was intended to decide which team would go to Worlds, but it was interrupted by a Golden Guardians player who was impacted by a bug. In addition, LCS provides an additional justification for the remake:

“Due to the significant disadvantage caused by this bug that cannot be resolved by chronobreak, League Officials will remake Game 5 of Golden Guardians vs Team Liquid.”

Due to the bug, a pause was declared 12 minutes into the 5th game. The game was stopped for 40 minutes of the broadcast until LCS decided to remake it.

After the break, the game was resumed with no alterations other than the fact that Huhi now has Unsealed Spellbook instead of Teleport as was initially intended.

Due to bugs, League of Legends Worlds 2023 qualifier match had to be remade 15

Golden Guardians’ reverse sweep did not go as planned, as Team Liquid won the match 3-2 and qualified for Worlds 2023. Commentators have questioned if Golden Guardians could have won if their streak hadn’t been stopped by the bug.


They will now drop in position and compete in the Worlds Qualifying Series against a team from the LEC to determine which team would represent the West in the final Worlds in 2023.

https://notagamer.net/league-of-legends-worlds-2023-match-remade-bug/feed/ 0 63801