champion – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News The world's largest esports and influencer news site. Tue, 23 Jul 2024 15:18:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 champion – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News 32 32 172255210 Aurora’s debut faces challenges due to LoL Swarm, marking an unusual trend Tue, 23 Jul 2024 15:18:08 +0000 Aurora has largely been overlooked in League of Legends since her launch, as the new game mode Swarm has captured the players’ attention and discussions instead.
Image via Riot Games

Riot Games likely anticipated this outcome, as it has become a trend with their combined event-and-champion releases.

Since her arrival in League on July 17, the new champion Aurora has struggled to make a significant impact on the game’s dedicated fanbase. Instead, the focus has been entirely on Swarm, the exciting new bullet-hell game mode that Riot released alongside the champion.

Unfortunately for Aurora, the combination of her release with this new mode has effectively overshadowed her hype.

The League community quickly voiced their surprise at how fast Aurora and her release were pushed aside. Some players criticized her for being too “uninteresting” to make a significant impact, while others blamed her theme for failing to generate excitement. A few even suggested that Riot had missed the mark with “more anime nonsense.”

Despite this, Aurora has been seen in many matches so far. According to League statistic site U.GG, she has already appeared in over 73k games. However, compared to the usual excitement surrounding new champion debuts, her release feels underwhelming.

Image via Riot Games

This curious release strategy from Riot seems to be part of a larger pattern, as seen with other underwhelming debuts like Nilah and Naafiri. Naafiri, who was released in the middle of the 2023 Soul Fighter event, was overshadowed by the Arena mode.

Not all champions have been overshadowed by events, though. Lillia and Yone, who were released during the Spirit Blossom event, and Akshan, who headlined the Sentinels event, managed to avoid being eclipsed. However, it’s worth noting that all three required periods of significant metagame dominance to stand out.

Image via Riot Games

It’s possible that Aurora might become more prominent once the Swarm hype dies down, especially if Riot buffs her in the upcoming Season 14 updates. Nevertheless, the initial damage to her launch seems to have been done.

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Scientists honor the LoL champion Teemo by naming a new species after him Fri, 12 Jul 2024 07:41:50 +0000 The mischievous Teemo has made his way from the virtual world of League of Legends into our real natural world. Scientists have recently named a newly discovered crab species after this little Yordle scout
Scientists honor the LoL champion Teemo by naming a new species after him 1
Image via Riot Games

Marine biologists found a new crab species in the coral reefs of the South China Sea and decided to name it after Teemo, one of League of Legends’ most infamous champions. The crab, now officially called Gothus teemo, was given this name due to its appearance. This crab from the Xanthidae family is described as small with a “densely covered short setae” and has a brown-striped coloration.

The discovery was published in the journal Zoosystematics and Evolution. It was made during an expedition to the coral reefs of the South China Sea by marine biologists Zi-Ming Yuan, Wei Jiang, and Zhong-Li Sha.

Scientists honor the LoL champion Teemo by naming a new species after him 2

During scuba diving expeditions, they carefully photographed and collected a few specimens of the crab, which are now housed at the Marine Biological Museum in the city of Qingdao.

Teemo is a fluffy, brown, and white-colored champion in League of Legends, known for his small size. His cute appearance has made him popular, resulting in various plushies and figurines. However, in the game, he is often disliked due to his frustrating spells that poison other players.

Image via Riot Games

The Gothus teemo crab has a small, fluffy appearance similar to the Swift Scout. Its key features include a “dense coat of short setae” and brown-striped coloration, which reminded scientists of Teemo’s furry coat and his camouflage abilities.

Image via Riot Games

This is the first time an animal has been named after a League of Legends character, though it’s not the first instance of a video game inspiring a scientific name. Gothus teemo joins a list of species named after characters from popular media like video games, including names from The Legend of Zelda, Street Fighter, and even Pokémon.

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LoL Swarm several bug fixes and adjustments before the live servers Sat, 29 Jun 2024 03:26:09 +0000 League of Legends’ new Swarm game mode has already become very popular on the PBE, as players eagerly join the test servers to experience the much-anticipated PvE game mode.

LoL Swarm several bug fixes and adjustments before the live servers 3
Image via Riot Games

Riot Games is actively addressing several important fixes and adjustments as they prepare for the official launch. August Browning, the lead designer for League of Legends, revealed an extensive changelog for the upcoming mode.

This changelog includes significant fixes for persistent bugs that have been disrupting gameplay. These updates are a promising sign for players who are looking forward to Swarm becoming the next popular and unique game mode in League of Legends. Fans have been requesting another non-traditional mode since the release of Odyssey, and Swarm might be the answer to their wishes.

LoL Swarm fixes and adjustments

LoL Swarm several bug fixes and adjustments before the live servers 4
Image via Riot Games


  • Jinx, Leona, and Briar R:
    • Fixed bug causing forced movement and breaking WASD.
    • Buffed ranges:
      • Leona R: 1200 >>> 2500
      • Jinx R: 1500 >>> 2500
      • Briar R: 2500 >>> 25000 (use the minimap)
  • All champions:
    • Now have a 5% baseline crit chance.
  • Active spells giving defense:
    • Cooldowns increased slightly:
      • Seraphine E: 13 >>> 15
      • Leona E: 16 >>> 17
      • Briar E: 16 >>> 17
      • Yasuo E: 9 >>> 10
  • Yasuo:
    • Nerfed:
      • Base Crit chance: 30% >>> 20%
      • Flow per crit: 5 >>> 4
      • E shield duration: 3 >>> 2
      • Weapon no longer has a cap on tornadoes fired
      • Evolve base damage: 210 >>> 180
  • Leona:
    • Nerfed:
      • Base HP: 1200 >>> 1000
      • Shield duration: 3 + 3 >>> 3 + 2 (now correctly scales with duration stat)
      • E explosion radius: 500 >>> 450
  • Illaoi E:
    • Now has 2 Ammo, cooldown increased slightly.
  • Briar R:
    • Grants reduced healing to better utilize her passive in enhanced frenzy.
  • Aurora E:
    • Cooldown now starts after the effect ends.
    • Fixed bugs with Aurora’s weapon not casting missiles correctly.


  • Cyclonic Slicers:
    • Knockback lockout: 2 >>> 1
  • Bouncing Bomb:
    • Bounce Radius: 400 >>> 600
    • Base Damage: 35/40/45/50/55 >>> 45/50/55/60/65
    • Explosion Damage: 40/60/80/100/120 >>> 50/70/90/110/130
  • Funfire Cape (Radiant Field):
    • Health to Damage Ratio: 4% >>> 3.5%
    • Evolve Explosion Monster Max HP Damage: 15% >>> 12.5%
  • Ani-mines:
    • Cooldown: 7/5.5/4 >>> 7/6/5
    • Detonation Delay: 0.65 >>> 0.4
    • Evolve projectile damage: 120 >>> 110


  • Area size: 12-60% >>> 11-55%
  • Duration: 13-65% >>> 12-60%
  • At full build, choosing the healing card now actually heals you.


  • Charger Mini-boss:
    • No longer deals excessive damage on higher difficulties.


  • Fixed a bug where Aatrox pillars could permanently trap players if killed too quickly.
  • Certain boss mechanics now scale with the number of players.
LoL Swarm several bug fixes and adjustments before the live servers 5
Image via Riot Games

The Swarm game mode for League of Legends is set to officially launch on Wednesday, July 17, with the release of Patch 14.14. This launch date has been eagerly awaited by the community, and the changes being made show Riot Games’ commitment to delivering a polished and enjoyable gaming experience.

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Here are League of Legends Patch 14.14 early notes Thu, 27 Jun 2024 14:13:09 +0000 The League of Legends patch 14.14 is quickly approaching its release on live servers. This new update not only introduces a new mage champion named Aurora but also brings a range of balance adjustments to existing characters.

Aurora release

Image via Riot Games

Aurora is the latest champion to join the League of Legends roster in patch 14.14. She is a mid-range mage designed for the mid lane, known for her ability to move swiftly and dodge attacks on the battlefield.

Balance changes

Patch 14.14 will include a series of balance changes affecting several existing champions. This time, a particular focus is on AP champions such as Nidalee, Aurelion Sol, Lillia, and Rumble. Additionally, other champions like Hecarim and Milio are also scheduled to receive some tweaks.

League of Legends Patch 14.14 early notes

Image via Riot Games


Aurelion Sol

Base Stats

  • Base AD increased: 55 >>> 58
  • Attack range increased: 550 >>> 575

Q: Breath of Light

  • Now consumers mana immediately instead of after 1 second

W: Astral Flight

  • Cast range increased: 1200 flat >>> 1500-1900
  • Stardust ratio reduced: 750% >>> 650%

E: Singularity

  • Mana cost reduced: 80-100 >>> 80 flat
  • Pets are no longer reduced to zero speed

R: Falling Star/ The Skies Descend

  • Base damage increased: 150-350 >>> 200-450
  • R AP ratio increased: 65% >>> 75%
  • R2 shockwarve damage reduced: 100% of R1 >>> 85% of R1


  • You can read more about her kit here


Base Stats

  • Health growth increased: 99 >>> 106

W: Spirit of Dread

  • Healing increased: 20% >>> 25%
  • Duration reduced: 5 seconds >>> 4 seconds
  • Cooldown reduced: 16-14 seconds >>> 14 flat

E: Devastating Charge

  • Cooldown changed: 18 seconds flat >>> 20-16 seconds


Passive: Dream Laden Bough

  • Healing on subsequent targets reduced: 33% >>> 15%

E: Swirlseed

  • Base damage reduced: 70-170 >>> 60-160
  • AP ratio reduced: 60% >>> 50%


Passive: Fired Up!

  • AD ratio reduced: 15% flat >>> 7-15% (1/6/9)
  • Base damage reduced: 15-50 >>> 10-50

Q: Ultra Mega Fire Kick

  • Range increased: 1000 >>> 1200
  • Cooldown reduced: 12 seconds >>> 10 seconds

W: Cozy Campfire

  • Recast range increased: 700 >>> 3000

E: Warm Hugs

  • Base shield reduced: 60-180 >>> 45-165
  • AP ratio increased: 30% >>> 45%
  • Recharge timer increased: 17-13 seconds >>> 17 seconds flat


W: Pounce

  • Damage reduced: 60-210 >>> 55-190
  • Now has a 50% bonus AD ratio

E: Swipe

  • Base damage reduced: 80-260 >>> 60-225
  • Bonus AD ratio increased: 40% >>> 70%
  • AP ratio reduced: 45% >>> 40%


Q: Flamespitter

  • Base damage reduced: 125-185 >>> 80-180
  • Minion damage increased: 55-75% >>> 71-75%
Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 14.14 is set to go live on July 17, 2024. This patch promises to bring significant updates, making it an exciting time for both new and veteran players to explore the game.

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What will Ambessa Medarda be as a League of Legends Champion? Thu, 27 Jun 2024 07:47:49 +0000 Ambessa Medarda is set to become a brand-new champion on Summoner’s Rift. From her appearance in Arcane, we can already speculate about the type of champion she might be.

Fans of the Netflix series Arcane were introduced to this formidable fighter, and from what we’ve seen in Arcane Season 2 trailers, she is poised to play a much more significant role in the upcoming season. However, she won’t just be a key character in the television series; she’s also being transformed into a brand-new champion for League of Legends. So, what kind of champion will she be?

League of Legends: Ambessa Medarda as a Champion

What will Ambessa Medarda be as a League of Legends Champion? 6

Ambessa Medarda gives off strong top lane vibes. She looks and feels like a top lane brawler, and nothing else makes sense when considering her character from the first season of Arcane.

It’s known that Ambessa Medarda is a skilled melee combatant who prefers using weapons like a push dagger. This fighting style would fit well with melee juggernauts similar to Darius, Garen, or even Illaoi. Therefore, we could envision her wielding short daggers in close-quarters combat.


Ambessa has also demonstrated quick reflexes and agility, which suggests that her kit could include at least one dash or spacing ability to close gaps when facing ranged top laners. In the latest Arcane Season 2 Teaser Trailer from June 2024, we see Ambessa donning a golden uniform, hinting at her potential appearance on Summoner’s Rift. This could imply that she will be able to withstand a decent amount of damage.

I could imagine her being a champion who doesn’t use mana, instead relying on her health, similar to Dr. Mundo, or building up an energy bar akin to Sett. She would most likely be an AD champion, scaling off AD or health in some manner like most bruisers.

New LoL champion Ambessa Medarda from Arcane - Who is she? 1

Ambessa Medarda is expected to be released in November, alongside Arcane Season 2, so players will need to be patient until she joins Summoner’s Rift.

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Riot hints at upcoming ‘dark theme’ champion following Aurora Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:57:01 +0000 Upcoming ‘dark theme’ champion hinted by Riot Games

The introduction of League of Legends’ 168th champion, Aurora, a charming Vastaya bunny mage from the Freljord, might be the last instance for a while where players encounter such a heartwarming character with a sweet appearance on the Rift.

Image via Riot Games

In discussing how Aurora became a beloved project for the League development team, lead champion producer Lexi Gao provided a sneak peek into the future additions to the game in an interview with Dot Esports. Gao mentioned that the upcoming champion releases would feature much “darker” themes compared to the latest champions like Aurora, Hwei, and Smolder.

Although Gao didn’t elaborate further, League players have started speculating about which champions she might be referring to.

New LoL champion Ambessa Medarda from Arcane - Who is she? 1

Earlier this year, Riot Games confirmed that Ambessa Medarda from the animated series Arcane will soon be joining the League roster to celebrate the release of the show’s second season on Netflix this November.

While details about the warlord’s abilities are scarce, her Noxian background and possible storyline in Arcane’s second season suggest she will be a ruthless champion. It’s anticipated that her abilities might be comparable to those of Darius or Katarina.

Riot hints at upcoming 'dark theme' champion following Aurora 7
Image via Riot Games

The League universe is vast and filled with intriguing characters, making it exciting to explore some of the more sinister and eerie concepts. The possibilities include inhumane celestials, deepwater horrors, ghostly spirits, or even bloodthirsty demons. These are just a few examples of the dark inspirations Runeterra offers to the League development team.

patch 12.12
Image via Riot Games

While recent champions have their unique themes, they are not as dark as older champions such as Fiddlesticks. Riot tends to create more humanoid figures as they are easier for players to relate to, but there is still a rich pool of cruel human characters in Runeterra that could be transformed into horror-like champions.

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League of Legends newest champion Aurora’s Abilities detailed Sun, 23 Jun 2024 11:10:59 +0000
spirit of hearth home

The upcoming champion, Aurora, has been creating quite a buzz as Riot Games has revealed her abilities. She is the newest champion set to be released in League of Legends. She is expected to make her debut during the Summer Event. Aurora is a Mage champion designed for both the Top and Mid Lane.

Teasers and the League of Legends Mini-Game, The Spirit of the Hearth, have introduced players to her story. With gameplay content now available, let’s delve into Aurora’s abilities.

League of Legends Aurora abilities

Based on the video, it is clear that she has a lot of utility in her kit. The champion has the ability to turn invisible and control a zone where she can move freely. Additionally, she possesses damaging abilities, including a recall projectile similar to Zoe’s.

Passive – Spirit Abjuration:

If Aurora damages an enemy 3 times with either her spell, attacks, or both, she will deal magic damage and gain a Spirit. This allows her to enter Spirit Mode and gain movement speed, empowering her healing for 3 seconds.

For every additional spirit following Aurora, the bonuses from Spirit Mode are increased by 5%.

Q – Twofold Hex:

Fire a blast of energy in a direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hitting and marking them. You can recast the ability to use the mark to gain the Spirit back dealing magic damage to enemies that it passes through.

W – Across The Veil:

Hop in a direction. Upon landing, enter the spirit realm, become Invisible, and enter Spirit Mode for several seconds. Takedowns on Enemy Champions reset the cooldown for Across the Veil.

E – The Weirding:

Send out a blast of Spirit Magic to deal damage in an area and slow the target’s hit. Aurora will hop backward slightly on cast.

R – Between Worlds:

Send out a pulse of Spirit Energy that deals damage and slows enemies. The area merges with the Spirit Realm, granting Aurora an empowered Spirit Mode, and allowing her to travel from one end of the area to the other freely.

Enemies who try to cross the threshold will take magic damage, be slowed, and be pushed back toward the center of the area.

League of Legends newest champion Aurora's Abilities detailed 8
Image via Riot Games

There is much to appreciate about her abilities, which include significant movement capabilities and skill shot damage. Aurora is scheduled to be released in Patch 14.14, which is set to go live on July 17.

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New LoL champion Aurora teased through new item easter egg Mon, 10 Jun 2024 02:12:07 +0000 The newest champion in League of Legends, Aurora, already has a unique in-game Easter egg created specifically for them, which comes in the form of a brand-new item.

Aurora is the next champion to be introduced in League of Legends. This Vastayan mage from the Freljord is described as a mid-range solo lane mage with the unique ability to see things that others might miss.

The champion has already generated considerable excitement among players with numerous teasers both within the game and externally. Initially showcased through a new emote, she has sparked curiosity about what her abilities might entail.

New LoL champion Aurora teased through new item easter egg 9

In addition to these teasers, more lore about her has been revealed through a comic featured in the game client. This comic narrates the story of Aurora assisting Ornn at his forge, establishing a connection between the two characters. Now, we’ve received an even more tangible Easter egg in the form of a new item being added to the MOBA.

The new item, called “Witch’s Hat,” is exclusive to the Vastayan mage. It appears to be an Ornn-upgraded version of Rabadon’s Deathcap and includes a humorous description that hints at Aurora’s relationship with him.

New LoL champion Aurora teased through new item easter egg 10

The item’s description reads, “‘Friend.’ Yes, it is a funny word. Yet perhaps this likely refers to Ornn developing a friendship with Aurora, which is an unusual occurrence for the typically solitary Freljordian blacksmith.

As of now, the details of Aurora’s abilities remain unknown, but her friendship with Ornn might offer some clues about her gameplay. It is probable that Aurora will have close ties to Ornn and feature interactions reflecting their strong bond in the lore.

New LoL champion Aurora teased through new item easter egg 11

This upcoming champion is expected to be released in late June or mid-July 2024.

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League of Legends Patch 14.12 early notes: Naafiri Buffs, Corki Changes, First Strike Nerfs, and More Sat, 08 Jun 2024 15:36:50 +0000 The latest update for League of Legends, Patch 14.12, is arriving soon and will bring changes to Corki, who has become a strong ADC after his rework.

In Patch 14.12, more adjustments are being made to keep the game balanced following the major changes in Patch 14.10. Though Patch 14.12 is still in its early stages, the developers are focusing on Corki, aiming to make him less dependent on critical strikes for dealing damage.

Image via Riot Games

League of Legends is set to introduce Patch 14.12 soon, which will bring several changes to the popular game. This patch aims to address the balance issues that emerged after the significant update in Patch 14.10. The developers are working on making adjustments to Corki, specifically targeting his reliance on critical strikes to inflict damage. This is part of their ongoing efforts to keep the game fair and balanced for all players.

League of Legends patch 14.12 early notes

Image via Riot Games



Base Stats

  • Health regen growth reduced: 1.0 >>> 0.5
  • Armor growth increased: 4.45 >>> 4.8

E: Umbral Dash

  • Healing changed: 18-24% >>> 16%
  • Healing now scales with 0.9% bonus HP
  • Healing is no longer increased to 20-36% during R

R: World Ender

  • Bonus healing increased: 25-45% >>> 50-100%


E: Shuriken Flip

  • Base damage reduced: 100-450 >>> 70-350
  • AD ratio increased: 85% total AD >>> 100% total AD
  • AP ratio decreased: 120% >>> 110%


Passive: Dirty Fighting

  • Base damage changed:
  • Level 1-5: 10-30 >>> 15
  • Level 6-10: 35-65 >>> 40
  • Level 11-15: 75-120 >>> 80
  • Level 16-18: 135-165 >>> 150

E: Heroic Swing

  • Base damage reduced: 25-85 >>> 15-75
  • AD ratio changed: 17.5% bonus AD >>> 15% total AD


Passive: Frost Shot

  • Damage decreased: 120% + Crit Change x Crit Damage >>> 115% + Crit Chance x Crit Damage


Base Stats

  • Health reduced: 650 >>> 600

Passive: Mana Barrier

  • Duration increased: 4 seconds >>> 10 seconds


Base Stats

  • Base AD reduced: 55 >>> 52
  • Attack speed growth increased: 2.3% >>> 2.8%

Q: Phosphorous Bomb

  • Base damage increased: 50-250 >>> 70-270
  • Cooldown decreased : 9-7 >>> 8-6 seconds
  • AP ratio increased: 70% >>> 100%

E: Gatling Gun

  • Base damage reduced: 100-300 >>> 100-280
  • Resist reduction reduced: 12-24 >>> 12-20
  • Mana increased: 50-70 >>> 50-90

Master Yi

Q: Alpha Strike

  • Bonus monster damage decreased: 75-175 >>> 65-165

W: Meditate

  • Initial damage reduction reduced: 90% >>> 70%
  • Cooldown increased: 9 >>> 10


Passive: We Are More

  • Packmate’s base AD increased: 6-30 >>> 12-32
  • Pacckmate’s bonus AD ratio increased: 4.5% >>> 5%

Q: Darkin Daggers

  • Cooldown reduced: 11-7 seconds >>> 9-7 seconds
  • Bleed now affects small monsters
  • Q2 heal now works on large/ epic monsters


Base Stats

  • Health regen increased: 4 >>> 6
  • Armor growth increased: 4.2 >>> 4.5


Base Stats

  • Base health reduced: 650 >>> 610
  • Health growth increased: 102 >>> 105

Passive: Threads of Vibration

  • Health damage changed: 7-10% max HP >>> 5-11% max HP


Q: Noxian Diplomacy

  • Cast time now scales with Attack Speed

W: Rake

  • Jungle damage modifier reduced: 105% >>> 100%
  • Outgoing damage increased: 40-80 >>> 50-90


Q: Bloodlust

  • Bonus AD decreased: 10-30 >>> 5-25

E: Spinning Slash

  • Damage reduced: 80-200 >>> 75-195

Twisted Fate

Base Stats

  • AD growth decreased: 3.3 >>> 2.5

Q: Wild Cards

  • AP ratio reduced: 90% >>> 85%

W: Pick A Card

  • Mana cost increased: 30-70 >>> 50-70
  • Blue Card Mana restore increased: 50-150 >>> 70-150


W: Sanguine Pool

  • Health cost reduced: 20% current health >>> 15% current health
  • Healing increased: 15% of pre-mitigation damage >>> 30% of pre-mitigation damage
  • Bonus health ratio increased: 10% >>> 15%


Base Stats

  • Armor increased: 30 >>> 33


E: Zoomies

  • Cooldown flattened: 12-10 >>> 10 seconds

R: Final Chapter


Lord Dominik’s Regards

  • Cloak of Agility replaced by Noonquiver in recipe


  • Additional Long Sword added to recipe, cost unchanged
  • AD reduced: 25 >>> 20

Scout’s Slingshot

  • Second Dagger added to recipe
  • Cost reduced: 900 >>> 800

Serylda’s Grudge

  • Armor Pen increased: 20% (+0.11% per 1 Lethality) >>> 25% (+0.11% per 1 Lethality)

Statikk Shiv

  • Pickaxe added to recipe, cost unchanged

Void Staff

  • Ability Power increased: 80 >>> 90


First Strike

  • Base gold reduced: 15 >>> 10
  • Damage amp reduced: 8% >>> 7%
League of Legends Patch 14.12 early notes: Naafiri Buffs, Corki Changes, First Strike Nerfs, and More 12
Image via Riot Games

According to the official patch schedule, players can expect Patch 14.12 to go live on June 12, 2024.

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Aurora: A sneak peek into LoL’s upcoming Freijord Mage Wed, 05 Jun 2024 02:05:22 +0000 The initial images of the new champion, Aurora, set to debut in League of Legends have sparked significant curiosity within the gaming community.

Recently, the well-known YouTuber BigBadBear, who is renowned for leaking upcoming content related to League of Legends, disclosed some intriguing information about the champion following Smolder. According to him, the new addition will be a Mage from Vastayan, hailing from the icy region of Freljord.

The images of this champion have been gradually unveiled, and it appears she is temporarily referred to as Aurora, based on hidden files. Aurora is described as having a slim and attractive appearance, but she harbors mysterious magical powers within.

Aurora: A sneak peek into LoL's upcoming Freijord Mage 13

The League Of Leaks has also recently shared some initial images of Aurora’s look. She is depicted with reddish-brown hair, eyes concealed behind large, round glasses, and donning a heavy coat typical of someone from a cold climate. Unlike other champions, Aurora does not wield a specific weapon; instead, she carries a notebook and a simple brush.

Interestingly, although she is introduced as a Mage, her primary position will be in the Top Lane, deviating from the conventional Mid Lane role typically associated with Mages. This is reminiscent of other unique roles created by Riot Games, such as the Melee ADC (Nilah) or the Solo Lane Marksman (Akshan).

Aurora: A sneak peek into LoL's upcoming Freijord Mage 14
Aurora: A sneak peek into LoL's upcoming Freijord Mage 15
Images via LoL Leak

Another notable feature hidden beneath Aurora’s large coat is a pair of rabbit ears, characteristic of the Vastaya race. She possesses the ability to control magic through various potions, and her eyes, concealed behind the big glasses, are rumored to have special abilities.

Additionally, according to leaked information, Aurora’s ultimate ability involves transforming into a more sinister form, similar to Swain. She also has a move called Exorcism.


It is anticipated that this Aurora will be officially launched during the League of Legends Summer event, which usually takes place in early July. As the event approaches, more official information about the new champion is expected to be released.

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