Patch – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News The world's largest esports and influencer news site. Thu, 11 Jul 2024 16:46:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Patch – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News 32 32 172255210 Phreak admits he ‘failed’ with Skarner’s kidnap ability, so it’s getting removed Thu, 11 Jul 2024 16:45:33 +0000 As Skarner’s win and ban rates in League of Legends continue to rise, Riot Phreak has had to step in to address the issue.

The root of the problem was found to be a problematic exploit centered around Skarner’s iconic kidnap skill. The rework, which was finally released at the beginning of 2024, transformed the Crystal Scorpion into a formidable presence on Summoner’s Rift.

Image via Riot Games

The champion is now capable of slamming players into walls and dragging enemies around with his ultimate. However, top lane players discovered ways to exploit this ability, leading Phreak to address the issue and discuss the overall success of the champion’s rework.

Phreak, who is in charge of League’s live balance team and led Skarner’s rework, recently admitted in a YouTube video previewing Patch 14.14 that he wished he had done a better job with the champion.

In the video, Phreak went over all the balance changes for Skarner and warned that the champion would be experiencing a lot of changes in this update. The most anticipated change is the removal of the ability to cast his E backwards.

This exploit allowed the scorpion to grab opponents from behind and slam them into walls. With the new changes, Skarner will have to face his enemies directly if he wants to grapple with them, which was how the ability was originally intended to be used.

Image via Riot Games

Until the changes are implemented, players can still chain Skarner’s ultimate and his E to drag enemies into turret range, effectively guaranteeing a free kill in lane. The problematic mechanic had caused his win rates (and ban rates) to spike significantly in the past few months.

Image via Riot Games

With the removal of the playmaking Skarner mechanic, Phreak hopes that players will begin to appreciate the rework of the scorpion and reduce the frequency of banning him in high-level play. Phreak also briefly mentioned that the team is considering other changes to Skarner’s kit but did not provide any specific details.

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Here are League of Legends Patch 14.14 early notes Thu, 27 Jun 2024 14:13:09 +0000 The League of Legends patch 14.14 is quickly approaching its release on live servers. This new update not only introduces a new mage champion named Aurora but also brings a range of balance adjustments to existing characters.

Aurora release

Image via Riot Games

Aurora is the latest champion to join the League of Legends roster in patch 14.14. She is a mid-range mage designed for the mid lane, known for her ability to move swiftly and dodge attacks on the battlefield.

Balance changes

Patch 14.14 will include a series of balance changes affecting several existing champions. This time, a particular focus is on AP champions such as Nidalee, Aurelion Sol, Lillia, and Rumble. Additionally, other champions like Hecarim and Milio are also scheduled to receive some tweaks.

League of Legends Patch 14.14 early notes

Image via Riot Games


Aurelion Sol

Base Stats

  • Base AD increased: 55 >>> 58
  • Attack range increased: 550 >>> 575

Q: Breath of Light

  • Now consumers mana immediately instead of after 1 second

W: Astral Flight

  • Cast range increased: 1200 flat >>> 1500-1900
  • Stardust ratio reduced: 750% >>> 650%

E: Singularity

  • Mana cost reduced: 80-100 >>> 80 flat
  • Pets are no longer reduced to zero speed

R: Falling Star/ The Skies Descend

  • Base damage increased: 150-350 >>> 200-450
  • R AP ratio increased: 65% >>> 75%
  • R2 shockwarve damage reduced: 100% of R1 >>> 85% of R1


  • You can read more about her kit here


Base Stats

  • Health growth increased: 99 >>> 106

W: Spirit of Dread

  • Healing increased: 20% >>> 25%
  • Duration reduced: 5 seconds >>> 4 seconds
  • Cooldown reduced: 16-14 seconds >>> 14 flat

E: Devastating Charge

  • Cooldown changed: 18 seconds flat >>> 20-16 seconds


Passive: Dream Laden Bough

  • Healing on subsequent targets reduced: 33% >>> 15%

E: Swirlseed

  • Base damage reduced: 70-170 >>> 60-160
  • AP ratio reduced: 60% >>> 50%


Passive: Fired Up!

  • AD ratio reduced: 15% flat >>> 7-15% (1/6/9)
  • Base damage reduced: 15-50 >>> 10-50

Q: Ultra Mega Fire Kick

  • Range increased: 1000 >>> 1200
  • Cooldown reduced: 12 seconds >>> 10 seconds

W: Cozy Campfire

  • Recast range increased: 700 >>> 3000

E: Warm Hugs

  • Base shield reduced: 60-180 >>> 45-165
  • AP ratio increased: 30% >>> 45%
  • Recharge timer increased: 17-13 seconds >>> 17 seconds flat


W: Pounce

  • Damage reduced: 60-210 >>> 55-190
  • Now has a 50% bonus AD ratio

E: Swipe

  • Base damage reduced: 80-260 >>> 60-225
  • Bonus AD ratio increased: 40% >>> 70%
  • AP ratio reduced: 45% >>> 40%


Q: Flamespitter

  • Base damage reduced: 125-185 >>> 80-180
  • Minion damage increased: 55-75% >>> 71-75%
Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 14.14 is set to go live on July 17, 2024. This patch promises to bring significant updates, making it an exciting time for both new and veteran players to explore the game.

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TFT Patch 14.13 notes: Golden item remover, Units, Augments changes, and More Tue, 25 Jun 2024 13:53:49 +0000 Patch 14.13 of Teamfight Tactics (TFT) is set to arrive soon on the live servers. This new patch focuses on bringing quality-of-life improvements to the Golden Item Remover, along with a few minor balance adjustments.

Although the upcoming patch is relatively minor, it does feature one significant change related to the Golden Item Remover. The release date for TFT Patch 14.13 is scheduled to coincide with the main release of the next patch for League of Legends on June 26, 2024.

Image via Riot Games

TFT Patch 14.13 Notes

Golden Item Remover Change

The Golden Item Remover is a new feature in Teamfight Tactics, allowing players to repeatedly remove items from their team. To enhance its functionality, the developers are introducing a quality-of-life change that will automatically convert regular removers into reforgers.

Balance Changes

In addition to the changes to the Golden Item Remover, Patch 14.13 includes a small number of balance adjustments. These adjustments involve nerfs and buffs to various traits, units, augments, and items within the game.

Image via Riot Games



  • Ahri AP bonus decreased: 30 >>> 27
  • Syndra damage bonus decreased: 11% >>> 10%


  • Damage Amp & Reduction increased: 5/15/20% >>> 5/16/22%


  • Damage per hex increased: 8/17/33% >>> 8/18/35%



  • Attack speed increased: 0.8% >>> 0.85%


Cursed Blade

  • Disabled

Luden’s Tempest (Artifact)

  • AD and AP increased: 35 >>> 40

Prowler’s Claw (Artifact)

  • AD increased: 30% >>> 40%

Rapid Firecannon (Artifact)

  • Attack speed increased: 60% >>> 75%


Silver Ticket

  • Now grants 3 gold

Built Different II

  • HP increased: 220/300/380/480 >>> 240/330/420/530

Ethereal Blades

  • Damage amp decreased: 100% >>> 85%


  • Damage amp increased: 5% >>> 8%

Storied Champion

  • Ability bonus true damage reduced: 50% >>> 45%
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League of Legends Patch 14.13 notes: All buffs, nerfs, and changes Wed, 19 Jun 2024 07:27:15 +0000 The League of Legends Patch 14.13 is currently undergoing intense development at Riot Games, with a wide range of changes being tested. Alongside these changes, new Rain Shepherd skins are being prepared for release.

Recently, most of the League of Legends community has been caught up in the controversy surrounding the Faker Hall of Legends. This uproar is mainly due to the steep $500 price tag, which includes commemorative Ahri cosmetics. Despite the backlash over this high price, it hasn’t affected the patch development process.

hall of legends
Image via Riot Games

We are still in the early stages of this patch cycle. Riot Games has just begun to upload the anticipated changes onto the PBE. Fortunately, we have managed to get information on all the planned patch.

Make sure to mark your calendars, as Riot Games has scheduled the patch 14.13 to start rolling out on the live servers beginning Wednesday, June 26.

League of Legends Patch 14.13 notes

Image via Riot Games



  • P mana on kill reduced from 30-50 to 20-40.
  • E damage decreased from 60-180 to 60-160 (ability power ratio remains unchanged).


  • E slow increased from 30-60 percent plus 25 percent critical strike chance to 40-80 percent (crit scaling has been removed).
  • Buffed until 40-80 percent critical chance.


  • Passive healing total health scaling reduced from 6.5 to 5.5 percent.


  • E armor per stack increased from 2-14 to 4-16.


  • Base attack damage decreased from 61 to 59.
  • R cooldown increased from 150-90 to 160-120.
  • Minimum damage has been reduced to zero.
  • Minion execute has been reduced to zero.
  • Monster damage cap has been reduced from 250-450 to 100-200.


  • Q damage reduced from 43-119 to 40-116 (ability power ratio remains unchanged).


  • Base health reduced to 580 from 611.


  • Q damage increased from 80-200 plus 80 percent ability power to 80-200 plus 85 percent ability power.
  • W cooldown reduced from 12-8 to 10-8.

Lee Sin

  • Health growth increased from 105 to 108.
  • W base shield increased from 50-250 to 70-250.

Miss Fortune

  • Base attack damage increased from 52 to 55.
  • W minimum movement speed damaged lockout reduced from five seconds to four seconds.
  • W minimum movement speed increased from 25 to 30-50 by rank.
  • W maximum movement speed wait reduced from five seconds (with 10 seconds total) to three seconds (with seven seconds total)
  • W maximum movement speed increased from 55-95 to 60-100.


  • Base attack damage increased from 40 to 44.


  • W minimum damage increased from 50 to 60.


  • Q mana increased from 30 to 50.
  • Q2 maximum health damage reduced from 15 percent to 10 percent.


  • Q monster bonus damage reduced from 25 plus five percent ability power to 10 plus zero percent ability power. Total damage to monsters will roughly down by 20 percent.


  • Empowered WQ missing health damage changed to 6-14 percent by spell rank (still scales up to 1.5 times by W charge).
  • Base attack damage reduced from 60 to 57.
  • Attack speed growth reduced from four percent to 3.5 percent.
  • W on-hit damage increased from 7-31 to 7-35.
  • W cooldown refund increased from 12 percent to 13 percent.
  • W plus Q cast lockout increased from 0.25 seconds to 0.85 seconds.
  • Passive minion reward adjusted from 10-20 percent plus 20 percent attack speed to four percent attack speed plus 15 percent attack speed attack damage plus 15 percent attack speed ability power.
  • Passive champion reward adjusted from 40 percent plus 40 percent attack speed to four percent attack speed plus 15 percent attack speed attack damage plus 15 percent attack speed ability power.


  • E cooldown reduced from 13-9 to 12-8.
  • E damage increased from 50-90 to 55-95 (attack damage and crit ratios remain unchanged).


  • Base armor increased from 33 to 35.
  • Passive chunk heal total health scaling changed from 5-8 percent at R ranks zero to three to 4-8 percent linear at champion level 1-18.
Image via Riot Games



  • Base damage changed from 30-220 to 50-190 linear.
  • Cooldown changed from 25-20s linear to 20 seconds at all levels.

Dark Harvest

  • Base damage changed from 20-80 to 20 at all levels.
  • Damage per soul increased from five to nine.
  • Cooldown reduced to 40 seconds.


  • Preparation lethality adjusted from 5-10.5 to 5-10.5 (melee)/3-6.3 (ranged).
  • Extraction decaying movement speed increased from 150 to 200.
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Here are the League of Legends Patch 14.13 early notes Sat, 15 Jun 2024 04:52:46 +0000 League of Legends Patch 14.13 is currently being worked on at the Riot Games. They are testing many changes that are almost ready to be released. Right now, we are still in the early stages, as Riot is just starting to add the planned changes to the League’s PBE. We have found out what they are planning to do.

Image via Riot Games

One of the biggest changes in this patch is for Varus. Riot is looking at several aspects of Varus, including his base attack damage, his attack speed growth, his passive ability, and his W ability. These changes are still being tested, but if they are approved, Varus will need to use attack speed-heavy builds.

On the other hand, many League players are very unhappy with Brand’s increasing power in the bot lane. The fiery mage has recently been called “fundamentally broken.” Despite these complaints, Riot has not included any changes for Brand in the Patch 14.13 plans so far.

Here are the League of Legends Patch 14.13 early notes 1
Image via Riot Games

League of Legends patch 14.13 early notes



  • Passive healing total health scaling reduced from 6.5 to 5.5 percent.


  • E armor per stack increased from 2-14 to 4-16.


  • Base health reduced to 580 from 611.

Lee Sin

  • Health growth increased from 105 to 108.
  • W base shield increased from 50-250 to 70-250.


  • Passive base damage increased from 7-31 to 7-35.
  • Basic ability cooldown refund per stack detonated increased from 12 to 15 percent, max per target at three stacks increased from 36 to 45 percent.
  • Empowered WQ missing health damage changed to 6-14 percent by spell rank (still scales up to 1.5 times by Q charge).


  • Base armor increased from 33 to 35.
  • Passive chunk heal total health scaling changed from 5-8 percent at R ranks zero to three to 4-8 percent linear at champion level 1-18.



  • Base damage changed from 30-220 to 50-190 linear.
  • Cooldown changed from 25-20s linear to 20 seconds at all levels.

Dark Harvest

  • Base damage changed from 20-80 to 20 at all levels.
  • Damage per soul increased from five to nine.
  • Cooldowned reduced to 35 seconds.
Image via Riot Games

According to Riot’s schedule, the next League patch will start to be staged on live servers beginning on Wednesday, June 26.

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LoL Patch 14.12: Massive ADC changes reverted Sat, 01 Jun 2024 17:06:44 +0000 The developers at Riot Games have decided to roll back the significant changes they were planning to implement in Patch 14.12 for League of Legends. These changes had initially impacted almost every ADC by changing their base stats.

Patch 14.12 sees ADC change reverted

Image via Riot Games

In the patch notes for 14.12, Riot Games unveiled major adjustments for multiple ADC champions, indicating potential balance changes for the game. This update included a comprehensive review of stats for the ADC role, where champions saw an increase in defensive scaling but a decrease in AD and attack speed growth. These changes affected almost all ADCs, including less conventional ones.

However, just a few hours after announcing these changes, the developers decided to retract them from the patch. This quick reversal suggests that the developers need more time to refine these significant updates before they can be properly implemented.

LoL Patch 14.12: Massive ADC changes reverted 2
Image via Riot Games

Previously, in Patch 14.10, ADCs received substantial changes that affected how they build items, significantly boosting their overall power and damage output. This resulted in many ADCs becoming much stronger, necessitating nerfs for some that were overperforming.

Despite these enhancements, Riot seems interested in steering the ADC class in a new direction. By reducing the AD and attack speed, they aim to lower the overall damage output of ADCs while simultaneously enhancing their survivability during team fights.

LoL Patch 14.12: Massive ADC changes reverted 3
Image via Riot Games

Historically, ADCs have struggled with survivability, as even perfect play could lead to being quickly eliminated by CC abilities. This balance change would require players to strike a delicate balance between dealing damage and staying safe in team fights, making the ADC role one of the most challenging yet rewarding positions in the game.

The decision to pull these changes from Patch 14.12 indicates that Riot is not yet ready to make such drastic alterations. However, it does suggest that they are considering more extensive changes for the ADC class in the future.

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LoL Patch 14.12 early notes: Aatrox and Naafiri changes Sat, 01 Jun 2024 14:39:50 +0000 The upcoming Patch 14.12 for League of Legends is set to be released soon and will bring significant buffs to both Aatrox and Naafiri, as these champions have been underperforming in the current meta.

League of Legends continues with Patch 14.12, following the substantial changes introduced in Patch 14.10. The developers are focused on making further adjustments to balance the game better. Although the update is still in its preliminary phase, the main goal is to enhance the performance of Naafiri and Aatrox, with a particular emphasis on increasing Naafiri’s play rate.

Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 14.12 early notes



Base Stats

  • Health regen growth reduced: 1.0 >>> 0.5
  • Armor growth increased: 4.45 >>> 4.8

E: Umbral Dash

  • Healing changed: 18-24% >>> 16%
  • Healing now scales with 0.8% bonus HP
  • Healing is no longer increased to 20-36% during R

R: World Ender

  • Bonus healing increased: 40-80% >>> 50-100% (25-45% live)
  • Bonus AD reduced: 20-45% >>> 20-40%


Passive: We Are More

  • Packmate’s base AD increased: 6-30 >>> 10-30

Q: Darkin Daggers

  • Cooldown reduced: 11-7 seconds >>> 9-7 seconds

E: Eviscerate

  • Cooldown reduced: 10-8 seconds >>> 8 seconds flat
Image via Riot Games

Both Aatrox and Naafiri will undergo changes. Riot Games is especially keen on buffing Naafiri’s presence in lower brackets, where she was initially designed to excel. To achieve this, Riot is buffing her passive, which is expected to make her more viable and appealing to players.

Aatrox and Naafiri, both of whom have faced challenges in remaining competitive, are set to receive these buffs to make them more effective in matches. Riot Games hopes that these changes will encourage more players to pick Naafiri, thus increasing her overall play rate.

Image via Riot Games

According to the patch schedule, the release of League of Legends Patch 14.12 is scheduled for June 12, 2024.

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Full details of League of Legends Patch 14.11 early notes Mon, 27 May 2024 16:48:51 +0000 We have now passed the midpoint of the 2024 League of Legends season, and the exciting updates keep rolling in with the release of League Patch 14.11.

Image via Riot Games

Following the implementation of Patch 14.10, which was the major midseason update, the game is now well into the second half of the year. With this, the Riot balance team is focusing on making more significant changes as we move towards the end of 2024.

The latest update in May, Patch 14.11, will introduce changes to over 20 champions along with adjustments to around six items and runes. These changes will include buffs, nerfs, and other targeted modifications to improve gameplay balance.

League of Legends Patch 14.11 early notes

Image via Riot Games



  • Attack speed ratio increased from 0.568 to 0.594.
  • W damage decreased from 40-220 plus 40-80 percent bonus attack damage to 40-220 plus 40 percent bonus attack damage.
  • R bonus attack damage ratio decreased from 1.7 to 1.5.


  • Adoration lost on death decreased from 75 percent to 50 percent.
  • Base gold per kill increased from 10 to 25.


  • Health increased from 600 to 630.
  • Armor growth increased from 4.2 to 4.7.


  • Attack damage growth increased from 3 to 3.2.
  • Q attack damage scaling increased from 115 percent to 125 percent.


  • QQ max health damage decreased from 4-8 percent to 3.7 percent.
  • QE maximum attack power ratio decreased from 92.5 percent to 80 percent.


  • Health growth decreased from 124 to 115.


  • Attack damage per level decreased from 3.15 to 2.9.


  • W damage resist reduced from 40-65 percent to 30 percent.
  • R plus W damage resist reduced 57.35-75 percent to 60 percent.
  • W/ R plus Q maximum hold duration decreased from 1.5 seconds to one second.
  • Q mana cost decreased from 28-20 to 20.
  • R healing increased from 10/15/20 percent to 15/20/25 percent.


  • Q base damage decreased from 45-125 to 43-119.


  • Q base damage 70-170 to 80-180.


  • Knockup duration increased from 0.75 to one.
  • R cooldown decreased from 120/100/80 to 100/90/80.

Master Yi

  • Health growth increased from 100 to 105.
  • Armor growth increased from 4.2 to 4.7.
  • Attack damage growth increased from 2.2 to 2.5.
  • Attack speed growth increased from two percent to 2.5 percent.


  • Passive damage per second adjusted from 5-15.2 plus 30 percent ability power plus 1-5 percent maximum health to five plus 30 percent ability power plus 1-5 percent maximum health.
  • Passive monster damage cap increased from 28-164 to 40-200.
  • Q damage adjusted from 75-155 (ranks) plus 5-139 (levels) plus 70 percent ability power to 80-200 plus 0-45 plus 70 percent ability power. It will go from 80-294 to 80-295.


  • Attack damage increased from 51 to 54.
  • W mana decreased from 70-110 to 70-90.
  • R slow increased from 50/60/70 to 70 percent.


  • Attack damage growth increased from 3.5 percent to four.
  • E mana cost decreased from 70-130 to 60-100.
  • E armor reduction increased from 25-45 to 30-50 percent.


  • Nearly all legendaries can now become Ornn items and grant 1,000 gold worth of stats.


  • W damage adjusted from 60-220 plus 100 percent ability power to 5-7 percent maximum health plus 0.4 percent bonus health plus 1.5 percent ability power.
  • E2 grants 5-30 armor and magic resistance for four seconds plus 2.5 percent bonus health. 
  • Hold Q has a 50 percent ability power ratio (Pantheon’s R spear holds Q).


  • Total Q ability power ratio increased from 80 percent to 85 percent.
  • R cooldown decreased from 120-100 to 100.


  • Attack damage increased from 57 to 60.
  • P-Q critical strike scaling increased from 30 percent to 75 percent.
  • Q critical strike scaling increased from 50 percent to 75 percent.
  • Q mana cost adjusted from 23-35 to 25.


  • Damage per rock decreased from 60/78/96/114/132 to 56/74.5/93/111.5/130.


Celestial Opposition

  • Passive no longer triggers off of Knight’s Vow damage.

Essence Reaver/Collector

  • Gold cost reduced from 3,200 to 3,100.

Infinity Edge

  • Critical damage decreased from 50 percent to 40 percent.

Immortal Shieldbow

  • Shield adjusted from 320-550 (between levels 12-18) to 320-720 (between levels 9-18).

Statikk Shiv

  • New recipe: Scout’s Slingshot (900g), Rectrix (900g), plus 700g.
  • Shiv now has a plus seven percent movement speed.
  • Electroshock damage increased from 90 to 120.


Absorb Life

  • Healing increased from 2-17 to 2-20.

Cut Down

  • Health threshold decreased from 60 percent to 50 percent.


Lane swapping

  • Turret fortification increased from 50 percent to 75 percent.
  • First turret gold increased from 150 to 300.
  • Items and runes for Draven, Sivir, Smolder, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone, and K’Sante have been adjusted.
mythmaker irelia
Image via Riot Games

According to Riot’s official patch schedule for 2024, Patch 14.11 is set to go live on Thursday, May 30. In summary, Patch 14.11 promises to bring a variety of adjustments and improvements to the game.

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League of Legends Patch 14.11 early notes: Master Yi buffs, Irelia nerfs, Ornn rework, and more Thu, 23 May 2024 08:28:35 +0000 With Patch 14.10 in place on the live servers and the second split of the year underway, Riot Games is now focusing on the latter part of 2024 with plans for more significant changes.

The upcoming Patch 14.11 is set to bring a variety of buffs, nerfs, and adjustments to the game. Riot Phroxzon has shared some details about these updates, as well as addressing the frequent lane swapping observed during the MSI 2024 tournament.

mythic shop
Image via Riot Games

League of Legends patch 14.11 early notes








Master Yi



















Immortal Shieldbow

Statikk Shiv


Infinity Edge



Essence Reaver

System changes

Absorb Life

Cut Down

Lane Swapping

mythmaker irelia
Image via Riot Games

Several champions are slated for buffs in this new patch. Among them, Gangplank, Kha’Zix, Master Yi, and Nasus are set to receive enhancements to improve their performance in the game. Additionally, Smolder will be getting buffs to address the disadvantages faced after the recent changes to Marksmen items.

On the nerf side, champions such as Hwei, Irelia, and Jinx are among those receiving nerfs to balance their impact on the game.

For adjustments, Ornn is undergoing a significant rework of his Passive ability, aiming to provide a fresh experience for players using him. K’Sante is also receiving some balanced tweaks, and Caitlyn will see some changes to her abilities as well.

Image via Riot Games

League Patch 14.11 is scheduled to go live on Thursday, May 30, according to Riot’s official patch plan for 2024. This update promises to bring a host of new changes aimed at improving the overall gameplay experience.

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League of Legends B-Patch 14.10 adjusts more ADCs and Item system Fri, 17 May 2024 09:21:35 +0000 League of Legends Patch 14.10 didn’t go as planned, so Riot Games is releasing a significant micropatch. This update will include buffs and nerfs for champions like Corki, Draven, Samira, and Smolder, as well as changes to about six items.

Phreak shared the details of this League of Legends micropatch on Twitter late on May 16. He explained that these changes were necessary because these champions and items were the most problematic and needed urgent adjustments before the arrival of Patch 14.11. This upcoming patch, expected to be released on May 30, should include many more updates for the midseason.

League of Legends B-Patch 14.10 adjusts more ADCs and Item system 4
Image via Riot Games

League of Legends B-patch 14.10 notes



  • Q damage increased from 70-230 to 70-250.
  • E bonus attack damage ratio increased from 200 to 250 percent.
  • R bonus attack damage ratio increased from 70 to 80 percent.


  • Passive bonus gold reduced from 40 plus 2.5 per Adoration to 10 plus two per Adoration.
  • Q damage decreased from 45-65 to 40-60.


  • Attack damage growth reduced from 3.3 to 3.0.
  • W damage decreased from 20-80 plus 80 percent bonus attack damage to 20-80 plus 60 percent bonus attack damage.
  • R damage decreased from 5/15/25 plus 50 percent total attack damage to 5/15/25 plus 45 percent total attack damage.


  • Base attack damage increased from 55 to 57.
  • Base health increased from 575 to 605.
  • Base health regeneration increased from three to 4.5.


Blackfire Torch

  • Burn decreased from 60 plus 12 percent ability power to 45 plus nine percent ability power.

Essence Reaver

  • Attack damage increased from 65 to 70.

Fated Ashes

  • Ability power reduced from 40 to 30.
  • Burn reduced from 21 to 15. The 60 bonus damage to monsters remains the same.

Knight’s Vow

  • Health decreased from 300 to 200.
  • Ability haste reduced from 15 to 10.


  • Critical strike chance reduced from 20 to 15 percent.
Image via Riot Games

Many League players have been unhappy with the poor win rates of some champions since the May update. However, Phreak mentioned that most of these champions are not actually weak. Instead, players are not building them correctly, which is why they are not part of this micropatch.

Unless there are any major issues in the next two weeks, this should be the final update until Patch 14.11 is released.

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