win rate – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News The world's largest esports and influencer news site. Wed, 10 Jul 2024 18:42:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 win rate – Not A Gamer : Esports, Gaming & Influencer News 32 32 172255210 League of Legends: This champion is still dominating the Iron rank Wed, 10 Jul 2024 18:41:14 +0000 Iron is a fascinating rank in League of Legends, where unconventional champions often dominate the meta, and, the current patch is no exception.

Yorick has been the strongest top lane champion for the last 5 patches

For at least the last 5 patches, Yorick has maintained his position at the top of Iron’s standings in the top lane. As of this writing, Yorick boasts an astounding 55.23% win rate in Patch 14.13, according to the League stats site U.GG.

Image via Riot Games

Not only does Yorick have an impressive win rate, but he also has a notable pick rate. He has been selected in 6.3% of Iron matches. Additionally, Yorick is frequently banned, appearing in the ban list for 11.2% of games. This indicates that players recognize his power and are wary of facing him.

While Yorick may not be the best champion to pick for high-ranked or competitive players due to his easy counterability, this has not hindered his dominance in the lowest rank.

League of Legends: This champion is still dominating the Iron rank 1
Image via Riot Games

Yorick’s success in low ranks is likely attributed to his unique abilities, which allow players to overwhelm their opponent in the top lane with his ghouls. When low-ranked top laners are forced to handle not only Yorick but also his ghouls, minions, and potential jungle pressure, they often struggle to survive the laning phase. If Yorick gains an early advantage, he can quickly become an unstoppable bruiser.

For those struggling against Yorick, it is recommended to choose champions like Tryndamere, Urgot, or Trundle. These champions can make trading with Yorick more manageable, and with proper play, you should be able to counter and defeat him in one-on-one situations.

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LoL devs are fixing the Red and Blue sides imbalance, but it needs more time Tue, 09 Jul 2024 07:29:25 +0000 Devs are actively working on balancing the Red and Blue side

The win rate imbalance between the Blue and Red sides in League of Legends isn’t just your imagination. Riot Games is aware of this issue, though it’s not as pronounced in lower Elo levels. They are actively working on solutions, but it will take some time.

This week, the LoL community has been upset about the imbalances between the two sides on Summoner’s Rift. The uproar began after a fan investigated and gave win rate statistics.

Although this issue has recently gained more attention, balance boss Matt Leung-Harrison mentioned that his team has been looking into this for a while and is already working on changes.

LoL devs are fixing the Red and Blue sides imbalance, but it needs more time 2

On July 7, Leung-Harrison stated on Twitter that they are “working on optimizing red/blue side balance” but warned that it will take some time to resolve. He also pointed out that the imbalance primarily affects higher-tier players in ranked play, while lower-tier players are less impacted.

In lower ranks like Bronze, Gold, and Emerald, there is a slight imbalance, but it usually balances out over time. However, in higher ranks such as Diamond, Master, and Challenger, the difference between the 2 sides becomes more significant.


The statistics support this: in low-tier Elo games, the blue side wins 51.1% of the time, which is fairly balanced. In Emerald and higher, the red side’s win rate increases to 49.4%, while the blue side’s win rate drops to 50.6%. In Diamond and above, the red side’s win rate dramatically increases to 52.9%, with the blue side’s 47.1%.

Riot’s most likely solution will involve changes to League lobby matchmaking. Historically, Riot has assigned the red side a higher average MMR to compensate for the disadvantage of playing with less favorable camera angles and map perspectives.

LoL devs are fixing the Red and Blue sides imbalance, but it needs more time 3

While Riot has not confirmed when these changes will be implemented, Leung-Harrison’s comments suggest it will take some time.

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High-tier ranks are being dominated by this one unconventional champion in LoL Patch 14.10 Sat, 25 May 2024 03:52:20 +0000 Sometimes, a few League of Legends champions become very strong in unusual positions, often after they or their main items get small changes.

Tryndamere is dominating in the mid lane in high-tier rank

High-tier ranks are being dominated by this one unconventional champion in LoL Patch 14.10 4

Recently, one of these champions has become very powerful in the mid lane among high-level players. This champion is Tryndamere. Tryndamere is not new to the mid lane because he has been picked there occasionally in the past.

However, in the last few months, he has not been seen much in either the mid or top lane because he wasn’t strong enough. But in Patch 14.10, he is dominating in the higher ranks. Right now, Tryndamere has a 55.57% win rate in Diamond+ ranks, according to the League stats site U.GG.

High-tier ranks are being dominated by this one unconventional champion in LoL Patch 14.10 5
Image via Riot Games

A win rate this high gives Tryndamere a big advantage over champions like Rumble, Akshan, or Cassiopeia, who have win rates just over 53%. With a win rate this high, Tryndamere is doing much better than these champions, at least for now. His excellent performance is not just by chance because Diamond+ players have chosen him in 3000+ in Patch 14.10 as of now.

Mid laners should know how to play against Tryndamere, luckily for them. This is not the first time the champion has been seen in the mid lane, as he has been a flexible pick there for many years. Even professional players like Faker have picked Tryndamere mid in the past to overpower their enemies early in the game.

Image via Riot Games

However, Tryndamere’s strong performance in the high ranks might not last long because one of his main items, Infinity Edge, is expected to be nerfed in Patch 14.11. The exact changes to this item are still unknown. We will find out more next week when the update is released on May 30.

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One of League’s most banned champions isn’t even that strong Wed, 01 May 2024 03:46:58 +0000 The ban rate of certain champions in League of Legends typically signifies an assumption of their overpowered status, often leading to adjustments from Riot Games.

Interestingly, one such champion, despite boasting a remarkably high ban rate, does not quite match the dominance of Skarner. According to data from U.GG, Shaco stands as one of the most banned champions in Patch 14.8 with 22.3% ban rate on the leaderboard.

Image via Riot Games

Shaco being one of the most banned champions in League of Legends

Skarner’s prevalence in bans aligns with his recent rework, solidifying his dominance on Summoner’s Rift, where once he secures an advantage, reversing the tide becomes a daunting task. Patch 14.9 is slated to introduce a series of nerfs to address Skarner’s overwhelming presence.

In contrast, Riot has refrained from making adjustments to Shaco’s abilities since Patch 14.4, with his win rate hovering around 50%, indicative of a balanced champion. Despite this, players continue to ban Shaco frequently, suggesting a discomfort in facing him.

One of League's most banned champions isn't even that strong 6
Image via Riot Games

The rationale behind this ban trend likely stems from Shaco’s kit, which combines stealth, mobility, and crowd control, alongside burst potential. In encounters with Shaco, using the Sweeping Lens becomes imperative, aiding in the detection of his traps and locating him post-Deceive.

However, the prevalence of Shaco bans does not necessarily correlate with his being overpowered; rather, it underscores players’ struggles in contending with his capabilities. Shaco is strong in the early game, capitalizing on the slightest positional errors to punish vulnerable targets.

One of League's most banned champions isn't even that strong 7
Image via Riot Games

Yet, should he falter, his effectiveness wanes, hindered by a sluggish jungle clear speed and limited utility when playing as a support.

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LoL Patch 14.9 sees Skarner nerf following the scorpion’s skyrocketed win rate Thu, 18 Apr 2024 16:22:09 +0000 Skarner underwent significant rework in Patch 14.7, drawing close scrutiny from League of Legends developers ever since. Following a noteworthy surge in his win rate in solo queue after adjustments in Patch 14.8, Skarner is now slated to receive several nerfs in the upcoming Patch 14.9.

Released on April 17, Patch 14.8 immediately bolstered Skarner’s performance following many tweaks to the scorpion champion. However, it seems more changes are in the pipeline, as hinted by League content creator Spideraxe.

Image via Riot Games

Skarner nerfs coming in LoL Patch 14.9

  • P health damage reduced from 7% – 12% max HP to 7% – 10%
  • Q health ratio reduced from 6% bonus HP to 5%
  • W base damage reduced from 50 – 150 to 50 – 130
Image via Riot Games

Shortly after the adjustments went live, Spideraxe discovered additional alterations added to the PBE servers and shared them on X. It appears that Skarner is already lined up for three nerfs, targeting his passive, Q, and W abilities.

Regarding his passive, the health damage it inflicts is set to decrease from 7-12 percent maximum health to 7-10 percent. Consequently, Skarner will deal considerably less damage with his other attacks, which rely on his empowered passive. Additionally, the health ratio of his Q ability has been reduced from six to five percent bonus health, while the base damage of his W ability has been diminished from 50-150 to 50-130.

Image via Riot Games

While it’s premature to definitively label Skarner as overpowered in solo queue at the time of writing, his initial statistics for Patch 14.8 are certainly impressive. Presently, he boasts a 52.53% win rate in the jungle, according to U.GG, accompanied by a substantial 26.5% ban rate and a 8.2% pick rate. This marks a significant improvement from Patch 14.7, where his win rate languished at 42% by the update’s conclusion.

Given such a substantial climb in the rankings, it’s unsurprising that Riot Games is swift to respond. However, these impending changes should not be taken for granted, as Patch 14.9 is still two weeks away, with a scheduled release date of May 1.

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Following latest VGU, Skarner’s win rate drops to the lowest level Sun, 07 Apr 2024 04:19:15 +0000 Just days after the release of Skarner’s extensive visual and gameplay update in Patch 14.7 of League of Legends, the Primordial Sovereign is grappling with some initial challenges.

Despite the excitement surrounding his overhaul, Runeterra’s beloved scorpion currently boasts the lowest win rate among all champions in the game. At the time of writing, Skarner’s win rate stands at a dismal 38.17% through Platinum ranks and higher, as reported by League statistics site U.GG.

Following latest VGU, Skarner's win rate drops to the lowest level 8

Notably, players have been experimenting with Skarner not only in the jungle role but also in support and top lane positions, yielding similarly disappointing results as they acclimate to his revamped abilities and playstyle.

In Patch 14.7, Skarner underwent a comprehensive transformation, receiving an entirely new skill set and appearance after remaining largely unchanged since his initial release in 2011.

Image via Riot Games

Moreover, despite having been one of the least favored picks in the game, he now boasts 5 unique skins—a significant increase considering his historically low skin count compared to other champions in the League roster. With these updates, Skarner has gained a plethora of new strategies and tactics at his disposal.

However, it’s common for newly reworked champions or those receiving significant updates to experience a period of adjustment upon release. Similar to Briar, who initially struggled with one of the worst win rates in the game before receiving adjustments and eventually finding her place in the solo queue meta, Skarner is expected to require some time to settle into his new role.

Image via Riot Games

While Skarner’s kit may appear formidable at first glance, players are still in the process of mastering his mechanics, including optimal engagement timings, effective use of his ultimate ability, and strategic decision-making to ensure survival.

Achieving a balance between durability to withstand enemy and seizing opportunities to initiate teamfights or secure objectives through strategic positioning remains key for Skarner’s success. Thus, as players continue to familiarize themselves with his updated capabilities, his win rate is anticipated to stabilize and potentially improve.

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Smolder buffs in LoL Patch 14.7 didn’t bring him back in the meta Fri, 05 Apr 2024 17:11:23 +0000 Patch 14.7 League of Legends, which was implemented on April 3, brought forth a wave of adjustments to numerous champions, among them being Smolder, the game’s newest AD carry. Despite receiving slight buffs, the champion has yet to reclaim his former dominance on the battlefield.

Smolder’s win rate plummeted despite buffs in LoL Patch 14.7

Image via Riot Games

In the latest patch, developers opted to buff Smolder by increasing his basic armor from 24 to 26. Additionally, they augmented his potential damage output by boosting the bonus physical damage based on critical chance on his Q ability from a range of zero-to-30 percent to zero-to-50 percent.

While such incremental modifications have historically propelled certain champions back to the competitive ladder, his resurgence seems slow at this time.

Smolder buffs in LoL Patch 14.7 didn't bring him back in the meta 9

Presently, Smolder sits at a low 48.51 percent win rate across all ranks in the ADC role, according to data from U.GG. This lackluster performance places him a mere 19th among the top marksmen in Patch 14.7, at least in terms of win rate. Nevertheless, he maintains respectable pick and ban rates, standing at 9.1 percent and 14 percent, respectively.

Though these statistics may not inspire awe, they represent a marked improvement over Smolder’s dismal showing in Patch 14.6, where he held the unenviable title of being the worst ADC in League. In the preceding update, his win rate floundered at 47.50 percent, trailing behind his counterparts in the role.

Image via Riot Games

Smolder’s plight mirrors a common narrative for introduced League champions. Often, upon their debut, these champions emerge as formidable contenders, only to undergo successive rounds of nerfs that relegate them to the sidelines.

Upon his release in Patch 14.2, Smolder swiftly ascended to the ranks of the strongest ADCs, becoming a popular choice among both casual and professional players. Yet, it remains uncertain whether the adjustments in Patch 14.7 will exert any immediate influence on his presence in the professional scene worldwide.

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Ahri has become a hot pick after a small buff in LoL Patch 14.4 Tue, 05 Mar 2024 14:23:43 +0000 Ahri has once again become the talk of the town among fans, but this time, it’s for potentially being overly formidable.

Following Riot Games’ latest attempt to bolster her strength in Patch 14.4, Ahri’s presence on Summoner’s Rift has surged exponentially, marking a return to her former winning ways.

According to popular League stats websites U.GG, Ahri’s pick rate has seen a substantial uptick, rising nearly seven percent from Patch 14.3 to a solid 10%. Moreover, she now boasts a 52% win rate, which appears to be gradually stabilizing.

Image via Riot Games

Throughout her tenure, Ahri has grappled with her identity as a hybrid mage/assassin, a trait that adds complexity to her gameplay. The 2023 season saw some relief for the champion with the introduction of items such as Everfrost, providing her with more effective means to immobilize opponents and swiftly drain their health bars.

However, the removal of such items, coupled with the general overhaul of the item system, posed significant challenges for Ahri in maintaining parity with other mid lane champions over recent months.

Image via Riot Games

In response to her declining gameplay performance, Riot opted to buff her with not only a slight increase in durability through enhanced health growth in Patch 14.4 but also a marginally augmented AP ratio on both activations of her Q ability.

In the patch notes, Riot elucidated that the damage was implemented in response to the belief that “Ahri players would appreciate more potent damage,” while also underscoring the “skill expression” requisite for successfully landing both parts of her Q.

Ahri has become a hot pick after a small buff in LoL Patch 14.4 10
Image via Riot Games

Although the buff pales in comparison to the alterations bestowed upon other champions in the same patch, it precipitated a remarkable surge in her win rate and pick rate across all skill levels.

Notably, her preferred build path, highlighted by the introduction of the new item Malignance, has remained relatively unchanged. However, in terms of rune selection, players are now leveraging the damage potential of Ahri’s Q by opting for Arcane Comet over Electrocute, thereby augmenting Ahri’s poke damage during the laning phase.

While the abrupt ascent in Ahri’s statistical performance has captivated the attention of both casual and professional players alike, she currently faces no imminent prospect of nerfs or alterations in the coming patch.

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Despite nerfs, Maokai remains LoL’s strongest pick in Patch 14.4 Sun, 25 Feb 2024 10:02:54 +0000 In League of Legends, Maokai stands tall as a champion of unwavering strength and resilience. Despite facing some adjustments in the latest patch, The Twisted Trent remains a towering figure on the Summoner’s Rift, holding the title of the best champion.

Maokai reigns as LoL best champion in Patch 14.4

According to U.GG, a League of Legends statistics site, Maokai boasts an impressive 54.18% win rate in Platinum ranks and higher, based on over 121,000 matches. Despite receiving several nerfs in Patch 14.4, he continues to reign supreme as the most dominant support in the game.

Despite nerfs, Maokai remains LoL's strongest pick in Patch 14.4 11

Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, attempted to nerf Maokai in the recent update by making minor reductions to his base armor, Q damage, and ultimate ability root duration. These changes were implemented after his overwhelming performance in the early months of the year, where he consistently held the highest win rates among champions in his class and overall.

Despite nerfs, Maokai remains LoL's strongest pick in Patch 14.4 12
Image via Riot Games

However, despite the nerfs, he remains a formidable force. He retains his tankiness, crowd control abilities, and game-changing impact from the early stages to the crucial teamfights in the late game.

Additionally, the champion is not just a niche pick; he holds the second-highest pick rate among all supports and is one of the most frequently banned champions in his position.

Despite nerfs, Maokai remains LoL's strongest pick in Patch 14.4 13
Image via Riot Games

With the introduction of new items in the 2024 season, Maokai gains even more versatility and durability, making him a reliable choice for players aiming to climb the ranks from the bottom lane.

Maokai’s dominance extends across all skill levels, whether players are striving to reach Gold or competing among the elite in Challenger. Given his consistently strong performance, developers may need to reconsider Maokai’s balance to ensure he doesn’t continue to overshadow other champions in future patches.

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After horrible Smolder’s debut, LoL devs are considering adjustments to the champion Tue, 06 Feb 2024 06:23:04 +0000 The arrival of Smolder onto the Summoner’s Rift marks a significant milestone in League of Legends history, with Riot Games developers acknowledging it as one of the game’s most anticipated champion releases to date.

Despite initial optimism surrounding Smolder’s debut and an apparent surge in win rates following its first day in the game, indications suggest that adjustments may be imminent for the champion.

Image via Riot Games

Smolder to receive adjustments following his debut

In a recent Twitter, League’s lead gameplay designer, Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, shared insights and reflections on Smolder’s introduction. Notably, Leung-Harrison initiated a poll to gauge community sentiment regarding Smolder’s power level, garnering an impressive 27,000 responses.

After horrible Smolder's debut, LoL devs are considering adjustments to the champion 14

The results revealed a divergence of opinions, with 35% of participants deeming the baby dragon “balanced,” while votes were evenly split between those considering it “weak” or “strong.”

Acknowledging Smolder’s modest win, Leung-Harrison highlighted the champion’s remarkable popularity, boasting a staggering 28% pick rate in regular gameplay. Despite initial struggles, Smolder showcased an unprecedented leap in win rate from its first to second day of release, particularly evident in Masters+ play, underscoring players’ rapid adaptation and mastery of the champion.

After horrible Smolder's debut, LoL devs are considering adjustments to the champion 15
Image via Riot Games

However, amidst the fervor surrounding Smolder’s ascent, the League development team is already contemplating potential adjustments to fine-tune the champion’s gameplay experience.

While Leung-Harrison remained non-committal regarding specific changes, discussions have revolved around revisiting aspects of Smolder’s spell kit, particularly his ultimate ability, “MMOOOMMMM!”

After horrible Smolder's debut, LoL devs are considering adjustments to the champion 16
Image via Riot Games

Consideration is also being given to optimizing Smolder’s role distribution between the mid and bot lanes, with a focus on reinforcing its intended position as a marksman ADC.

Furthermore, attention is directed towards enhancing Smolder’s abilities, including the potential for its Q ability, “Super Scorcher Breath,” to provide stacks of Dragon Practice upon the projectile’s successful execution.

Similarly, the cooldown dynamics of Smolder’s E ability, “Flap, Flap, Flap,” during mid-game scenarios are under scrutiny, with speculations emerging about potential reductions in cooldown duration at later levels.

As the week unfolds, the League community eagerly awaits insights into the development team’s plans and strategies for Smolder’s refinement.

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